I've tried everything under the sun, the only thing on that list I'd even consider using is iTunes. Manages my enormous library brilliantly, not something I can say about any of the others.

1) Foobar is not available on a mac (even if it was I wouldn't use it)

Yeah fuck Prada for shutting down my favorite Chinese knock off maker!

See that's where you are wrong, the people that know the most about software are also the ones who tend to be risk averse and go with what works with the fewest problems, which you'd know if you were in the software industry.

Right, because they weren't just looking for a cheap knockoff like Samsung lawyers were all too happy to admit.

They can't even ban you anymore! Tee hee! Trolling for all!

Yeah R&D is expensive now you will have to pay for it, suck it up butterfuck.

It's spelled good riddance.

If they're samsung customers I'd think not!

Course not, I'm not always right. But on Gawker sites I don't have to give a fuck whether I am or not, because this whole place is a giant troll nest.

So the bounce-back scrolling and gestures that are infringing were somehow not ripped off?

Good idea, that's what I did.

I'm a week from finishing a sixteen month internship, that's what I meant by the companies approached me.

I'm a week from finishing a sixteen month internship, but I'm not about to credit my university for what I learn from a separate company.

See I'm probably even more jaded than you because I certainly don't associate university with internships. Sure some universities have programs that involve them but you can get one otherwise, or if you are like me the company approaches you for your good work, so it's not IMO a redeeming aspect of university either

Science specialization in Computer Science minoring in business (which is verbatim, such a horribly convoluted mouthful when they could just set my minor separately instead of making it part of my major).

Admittedly I'm not an engineer but I don't see it being any different from the Computer science, or nursing faculties.

Maybe in the states college is training for a job, but in Canada university (our colleges are equivalent to your trade schools, our universities do undergrad and graduate level) is NOT training for a job. There will be nothing at all useful pertaining to the career you want available at the university. Rather it is a

Your example is flawed because you can recoup at least a significant amount of your investment from a mortgage, whereas renting you get nothing back under any circumstances, and (at least around here) renting costs a hair more than having a mortgage because of the housing market being depressed right now.

Yup, all a university degree tells me is that you (and I) are willing to pay tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper. They don't teach worth beans and certainly nothing useful. Biggest example of fraud I've ever been exposed to.