Turns out &prod is html for ∏ probably because it's the mathematical product expression symbol.
Turns out &prod is html for ∏ probably because it's the mathematical product expression symbol.
Are you sure that there's supposed to be a capital pi in the url? This just seems out of place "∏" though technically it's valid these days.
You'd need to add space between the dashes and plus signs (and one more of them to boot) for the microUSB casing to fit, which would negate any space savings achieved by removing the 11 pins that differentiate the 19 and 30 pin cables. Remember pins can be tightly packed but gaps for casing have to be huge (relative…
This is how I grabbed my name, no need to go through the conversion form or anything just make an alias and done.
I'm aware, thus the hypothetical tense. I don't have any immediate plans to do this, but I figured I'd point out an easier way than the above article outlines.
I would probably just add a big rare earth metal magnet to one of my rings.
Does sleeping count?
In what world is mini usb (or micro for that matter) compatible with a 19 pin port?
It would be ridiculous to try and output video over bluetooth, wired works much better. Same for audio, the wired products sound better. I could go on. So there is real tangible benefit to the n-pin strategy.
Because cheese dust makes for a gross wrapping. That probably also contributes to their bad rap.
Exactly what I was going to say.
Did you mean groveling maybe?
The site's down but based on the images visible from Google's cache I have to agree wholeheartedly. This guy makes me sick.
Not if you only put a small drop on the lens and it adheres and doesn't move. The back plate on a 4 or 4s (not sure about earlier iphones) is a solid piece, no hole for the water to seep through.
Me too, it was easier than making a new account or renaming my account.
Thank you.
I swear this tip was already posted on lifehacker about a year ago...
I don't hate all Americans equally, but I do hate you quite a bit because you live in a country that treats people absolutely horribly in the name of capitalism and the enterprise and all that shit, but then you go ahead and steal from a public service.