No cobol, common lisp, or objective c?

I don't buy much music, never have. (Don't pirate either). But when I do it's from iTunes and the frequency has neither increased nor decreased.

You know myspace is officially dead when...

It's not as simple as that, they would have to understand the filesystem (headers, nodes, links, snapshots, extended-attributes, etc.), the endian-ness, any compression (eg almost all images/music/vivdeo are compressed on disk), bit-depth and encoding for things like images/music/video too, bit rate for music and

Den Schadenfreude ist wünderbar.

Get over yourself and just say it, you are likely never going to see them again, so who cares if you offend them.

Ah yes: Phoenix -> Firebird -> Mozilla Firebird -> Mozilla Firefox -> Firefox

I joined for a job as a marketing lead at a medical startup. I use it to follow some hackers who abandoned their blogs.

I use, and with the massive amount of email I get daily (800-1k emails a day on average) I could never get anything done in a web client, they're just too useless.

Simple explanation for you here:

Here's one example, there are many more if you bother to google it.

The users are not giving you the money for the ad based apps, so that doesn't redeem them. And just wait if you ever get popular you'll be pirated more than downloaded properly.

Google can't be making any money off apps when developers can't even make money off the apps on Android. People using android devices don't pay for software in general.

Meh they might just to say eff you to Google and Amazon.

Yeah charging $399 for a device that costs $325.60 to build is outrageous, that extra 23% margin is HUGE when you consider how little it costs to ship and the free support for a year! Damn Apple is really screwing customers big time!

And if Google can build one for $151.75 you can bet that with it's supply chain control Apple would be able to build one for half that, and sell it either for the same amount or undercut everyone and just destroy the only market for android tablets at all.

Honestly my primary motivation for getting a smartphone was not having to carry around anything else. It's my web/email access, chat client, radio, flashlight, books, camera, maps, phone, newspaper, calculator, notebook, music player, movie tickets, restaurant/hotel reservation, multi-language dictionary, office

Unless you consider who's name is slapped on them.

I only carry my iPhone 4S 64GB unless I'm going somewhere to work on something then I take my laptop but I carry it in a backpack with a bunch of other work gear so I don't consider it a regular thing. (doesn't happen very often either).

My cousins use an original iPad because they are little and break things. That iPad looks like it went to a war zone, but it still works.