If the wifi is spotty it'll try and use it but time out repeatedly, draining battery; whereas there's probably a fairly consistent cellular signal which it can just connect to once.
If the wifi is spotty it'll try and use it but time out repeatedly, draining battery; whereas there's probably a fairly consistent cellular signal which it can just connect to once.
Because the fucking comment system wasn't slow enough as is. This page takes a whole minute to render the comments after everything else is done.
The most frequent thing to break was networking, lan earlier on and then wifi later. It seemed like Windows wouldn't keep working with the same settings for more than a month. (And that's with rather mild web surfing and hardly ever installing anything.)
With Apple's huge margins and control of the supply chain, I would bet that anything like this would be priced even lower than the competition's already loss inducing prices. All to lock in more customers, who will in time graduate to more expensive toys.
And Windows, if you aren't constantly inundated with broken crap you aren't using windows.
Clearly that excludes Windows then. There's no end to things that spontaneously stop working in Windows (having used every version from 95 to 7).
True, the mac pro is an exception.
Typical ignorant fan boy response. Look at the MBP versus other business class laptops of equal specs (they're actually hard to find if you include important things like battery life, and impossible if you include a decent trackpad as a requirement.) If you actually go with spec to spec comparisons and don't leave out…
Then go with Apple and be happy like I do.
"you can have your own say, up front, where everyone sees."
I think it's fair to say at this point: fuck you guys for messing up a good thing.
The guy running Nokia is still around.
I use an iTunes server at my parents house where the media collection is in the terabytes. As my laptop is retrofitted with a HDD for my home directory I just leave my personal iTunes library where it is.
Some data NOT based on self selecting surveys. http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/02/winning-in-neither-name-nor-spirit/
Comscore uses surveys, the article I linked to uses total sales. Your data is crap.
Here's the thing, it won't be on sale when iOS 7 or 8 comes out (hell it'll probably stop being sold in October this year), and will likely get updates for some time after it isn't on sale any more (currently we know it will make it to 40 months of updates, as to beyond that only Apple knows).
No, it's not that either.
That's because despite what everyone says the iPhone is 50% of all smartphone sales, which means Android shares the other 50% with WinPhone and BB and other alternative OSs.
"trying out many features that are seemingly futuristic, even if kinks need to be worked out."