University of Alberta.

Good luck playing media (games, video, music, etc) that have drm on linux, you are going to have a lot of work ahead of you. I was just pointing out that as a very successful CS major (I work in defense and make a shit tonne of money writing code) I and the vast majority of my peers prefer macs because they offer the

That's great to hear.

A more accurate sweeping statement would be that a good number of mac users actually regularly use the terminal. Much more than do in Windows, that's for sure.

As do most of us CS majors.


Yay trolling because you can't do a fucking thing about it! Even if my comments will be berried at the bottom of the stack they aren't going anywhere and no one can stop me posing them! WHOOOOO!

There's a great one in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. God I love that place.

Sadly based on the experience they create in a theater, they might enjoy that.

Hmm, just realized that with a comma that could be read as "Right to carry" laws. Why not just say right to bear arms?

Yup, there's an 18+ theater in my home town, it even has in seat service (booze and food). Love it there.

How can people enjoy themselves when you are screaming at the screen that Fast and Furious 16 should have won eighty five oscars? Pray tell?

Not visiting sites that use a tonne of javascript? Try gizmodo articles. Assuming they don't serve different JS for mobile it should be painful to use.

"In fact, it seems ever FASTER than Safari, even if it's just my imagination."

No, the force slows you down, as chrome is likely not very well written.

Why exactly didn't Google just make a daemon that syncs your chrome history and safari history, (and bookmarks, tabs, etc.) it's trivial and then you can just use the (faster, more integrated) default browser with the same rendering engine and all your content from the desktop.

Winrar is for *gasp* windows, which has no place in my world. Or not... oddly named for a cross platform application...

You'd want a small sata II or III to usb (again 2 or three depending on your needs) converter.

Meh, encrypt the drive and you should be fine. Just don't visit terrible places with horrible laws like the USA.

I enabled remote disk on my macbook pro, so I can use other mac's disk drives. My server is a ripping slave with two dvd drives, and I move data around using scp, ftp, public folders, or put it on my website.