Ultimate party trolling: populate the neighbor's party playlist with Justin Bieber from your house after jumping on their open/easily hacked network.

I will put my money where my mouth has been and buy Chinese manufactured goods hypocrisy free!

I don't see why, there's not even enough demand for the Nexus line to convince the manufacturers not to screw with everything.

Well aren't you a moron. Most CS majors use macs because they are POSIX, but still have great support of copyright encumbered media for when you aren't working.

"Except with Android you don't get a phone manufacture who is actively against the process."

Or buy phones that get updates and only replace them when you want, you know anything but android.

Nah it's fair to include jailbreaking because fandrrhoids include rooting to get updates as a hedge for them.

Since when is Siri an OS?

Really? Because only one OS has this problem, so no matter who's fault it is it IS a problem the android has.

It's called the nexus line.

The typewriter patent actually covers the modern keyboard.

Come now everyone know that when you're beaten down with no pants you start to see that fifth light.

Lucky you, they definitely exist, and are usually blatantly cross compiled from flash. The WestEdmontonMall maps app is a good example of such a terrible app.

I'd sooner use Linux exclusively than dick around with an OS that still isn't POSIX compatible in today's day and age.

Just taking advantage of the only upside to the new commenting system.

And it no longer matters, isn't it great!