
So because some old people moved some stones, those stones can never be moved again? We’ve only got so many stones, you know.

then I would agree it’s perhaps silly to watch the BoJack Horseman opening 12 times on the day it premieres

Clinton picked a funding option and ran with it, unlike this plan which just shrugs when it comes to funding. And “phased in over time,” isn’t that what Bernie gave Clinton shit for during the primaries. Looks like he’s the one copying Clinton on this one, not the other way around.

A “range of options” isn’t a decision about which one to actually use to fund this bill. It’s a copout and even Bernie-fellating trolls like you know it.

What would FDR do?

But, that’s not part of this plan. The chickenshits who wrote this plan didn’t bother with funding, just magical promises of endless happiness for everyone.

The benefits in the bill are generous and comprehensive, including no copays for things like mental healthcare and prescription drugs. And while there is no real plan to pay for it yet, as Jeff Stein noted over at Vox, Sanders’ bill basically aims to start from the premise of getting everyone covered and work

I can’t wait for more Good Place. It’s the only good network show from last season.

Isn’t it easier to keep track of who doesn’t have speed powers yet?

Cross-eyed Deplorable!

I’ve defended my arguments just fine. Trolls like you just keep moving the goalpost and then pretend like you’ve argued well. THAT’s pathetic.

Your strawman = claim that Sanders doesn’t believe in institutional racism. You’re just making shit up because that’s your schtick.

BERNIE SANDERS: When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto.

Clinton’s programs were targeted at women and minorities, you ignorant clown. She didn’t promise that fixing things for whites would fix things for everyone the way Sanders did.

This would be the inevitable consequence of low turnout in 2016. The only way liberals can control the country is by getting out and voting.

I’m sorry (not really), I didn’t know that I’d offended the self-appointed president of the Let’s Fellate Ed Sheeran fan club.

No, it’s a dumb question and you know it. No one person is going to “end racism” by themselves. Trolls like you live by logical fallacies like your original question.

Lol, harass? Oh, snowflake, how fleeting your existence. Melt away now.

Sweden is held up as a model of european socialism, but no one talks about how racist the country is to non-whites.