
There’s like one black character on Arrow and he gets the worst complete-face-obscuring costume out of the whole bunch. All the white characters just get little eye-covers that leave the rest of their face exposed, but the black guy? Only his eyes are allowed, because reasons.

You’re living evidence that there’s no cure for stupid.

Keep digging that pit, you embarrassment to liberalism.

Spoken like a true know-nothing who has never run a business. Bravo, idiot.

Exhibit A of how the Dirtbag Left will find some issue to pillory Kamala Harris for while trying to push Bernie Sanders for a second time.

They haven’t been planning for succession, and that’s terrible leadership.

America and the world really needed for her to win, and she failed.

Thank you for this. That “BarackObama” poster is just making a fool of himself with this endless personal assault on Clinton.

Your endless Clinton Derangement Syndrom is embarrassing to watch. Seek treatment.

Shaved-head Fassbender? He’d bring the wide grin.

You know something is sketchy when Google won’t auto-complete it as you write it out. That’s “Piers Anthony Firefly.”

You compared the tactics of the Alt-Right with the ideology of the Alt-Left, a false comparison. The fact remains that both movements are better at trying to shout down and silence their opposition than winning through the democratic process. The Alt-Left are the people who booed First Lady Michelle Obama at the

Thanks for this truth-bomb right here. The Alt-Left is real, but they call themselves “Our Revolution” and would rather attack Democrats worse than Republicans.

The Alt-Left is real, and you can recognize them by their call for Democrats to abandon “identity politics” in favor of a knock-off of Reagan’s “a rising tide lifts all boats” narrative. No, Bernie, shutting down free trade will not solve racism, you ignorant old hippie.


Props to Shia LaBeouf’s agent, for still being able to find his client work, despite his client being Shia LaBeouf.

My Mariokart nickname is Green Shell Sniper. Are you way ahead of me? I hit ya. Are you way behind me? I hit ya. Are you behind me around a corner and can’t even see me? I timed the shot perfectly so you rolled around the turn and I hit ya.

Nah, just Shakespeare Bros.

If the moon were made out of cheese, would you eat it?

I’m not saying I’m spending money to see it in IMAX either, just to be clear. But that has more to do with being against IMAX than Inhumans.