
The responses become more vicious, I must have struck a nerve by accurately guessing about your disability scheme.

ROFL, it’s not IKEA, stupid. As for working for your benefits, something tells me your “injury” occurred right after coverage kicked in. Sponge on, Spongey McSpongeface!

He’d have to get one installed in order to have one to remove. Brains, that is.

I saw in the original article that he’s worked with Hillary Swank, Brendan Fraser, and Phyllis Diller. So what actual “talent” has he managed then?

I’m not attacking the disabled, because people with true disabilities still try to work, unlike you. It sounds like you’re a loser homebody with nothing to do but rant online about how everyone else should give you stuff.

Boy, what a precious existence an ignorant fuckface like you must enjoy. Based on your other comments, it appears you don’t even work. Where do you get off lecturing anyone else? You’re nothing but an angry sponge, mouthing off at the people you need to provide for you. You’re just another fucking deplorable.

What the fuck are you ranting about, “got yours?” I work for a living same as everyone else. And the only thing to chuckle about here is what a remarkable shit-for-brains you are proving yourself to be.

helps explain why the majority of Americans don’t bother to vote.

You seem to be confusing anti-democratic with anti-Democratic. You’re not going to get anywhere by attacking the one political outlet for those issues. You’re not going to grow your support by attacking other Democrats. I work for a corporation, one that’s actually very socially responsible and ethical. You gonna call

Two sad and bitter replies to the same comment, and you tried calling me a troll? Laughs like these don’t come often, so I’m going to appreciate them.

Yeah, use “Butthurt Bernie Bro,” it’s way more accurate!

Maybe stop to frame your argument in a way that doesn’t make it all about you. That’s part of your problem in the first place.

Who called for the destruction of Israel? They were given set borders in 1967 and should be returned to that amount of land, rather than being allowed to occupy land that was set aside for Arab residents of the region.

Maybe they should join a religion with less stupid restrictions on movement and activity? Yeah, that’s it.

Centrist Democrats don’t want to negotiate with us, either, just as much as we don’t want to negotiate with them.

stop pretending that you know everything there is to know.

You don’t need me to demonstrate what a fool you are.

You’re entitled to your opinion, even when it’s wrong.

I’ll take your complete inability to address Warren’s GOP past as a concession that it’s not a great look for her and her sycophants.

Polls show that Americans LOVE single-payer, by double digits.