
Stop blaming “Democrats” and apportion credit where it is really due: BERNIECRATS! Bernie Sanders decided that the Democratic Party was not white and male enough any more, and his candidacy to undo that (not to mention kneecap the party’s first female nominee) is why we now face a party over-run with dudebros ready to

(For some reason, the Flint team didn’t seem to have filled its water bottles)

That comment is so fucking stupid, I can’t even.

That you’re taking any lessons from church, which teaches that grown adults should worship a bearded old man in the sky, is your first problem.

You being the expert on “reaching and lack of reading comprehension?” Yeah, that’s it.

Bitch, please. Come with a valid rebuttal or not at all.

Except, I have a link to a reputable research firm, and you’ve got nothing but what you’ve pulled out of your ass. “Factor in population numbers yada yada yada.” You sound just like fucking Trump, motherfucker. Peddle your alternative facts elsewhere, Kellyanne!

Black voting, as a whole, was down from the Obama years. You and your phony outrage can kiss my ass, because my facts are real.

That’s bullshit and you know it. 42% of white women didn’t vote for Trump, so that’s an excuse for lumping them in with “wypipo?” Millions of people like myself went out to vote against Trump, while black voting was down compared to the Obama years, and yet “white allies” is the worst thing The Root can think of?

In Seneca’s defense, “white ally” literally has become a derogatory slur over on The Root thanks to Michael Harriot.

And that, intrepid readers of Jezebel, is what a white ally acts like

Go after voters who couldn’t even stand up to do their duty when Donald Trump was on the ballot? Why bother, those people are permanent fucking losers right now. Anyone who tells me that they didn’t vote in 2016 is dead to me.

Yeah, but your plan calls for millions of people abandoning the cities and states of the future in order to move back to South Bumblefuck or West Incestistan. That’s already a non-starter for its target audience.

If you believe in taking those rights away from women, you should be something other than a Democrat.

This is Bernie’s influence on the party, which anyone who understands the cultural and social blindness of old white male hippies could have seen coming a mile away.

Name names already!

Not unlike how black people have to lie as their own first defense when it comes to where those slaves came from and who sold them in the first place.

This is some horseshit. Being a slave in Africa meant being cut off from one’s family, the foundation of their identity. And in cultures where your kinship was so important, people without families (i.e. slaves) weren’t even considered people at all.

Which kind of slavery is better than other kinds of slavery, exactly?

Fuck you, comment police.