
I have read this entire thread just to star comments like yours. Keep on keeping on!

You also can’t “see past color” when you live in a 95% white state like Bernie does.

Bernie wasn’t going to deliver any of those things either. Why does the Alt-Left continue to misbelieve that our Presidency is a dictatorship?

Don’t injure the snowflake with pesky facts!

Great gif response!

It’s about the only kind he can win, basically.

it’s because he runs on a platform that sees past ignores color

They really are The Worst, aren’t they? My goodness...

You Bros are so full of shit you should be sold as fertilizer.

No one who thinks Nina Turner can become the Democratic Nominee for President will ever be taken seriously. Come back with a less-stupid suggestion.

Sanders’ platform, not unlike the New Deal it was modeled on, was incredibly ignorant when it comes to systemic racism and the effect it has on the fair distribution of social benefits. And even worse for Sanders, black people REMEMBER how bad the New Deal was for them. Every time he’s mentioning it in his stump


ALL GLORY GOES TO BERNIE! All True Believers know this!

You’re no “ally,” with your knife in Dem Party’s back. Quit playing, fool.

He’s been asked about it on-camera, you know, and won’t deny it. And if that’s not some typical Beltway-insider bullshit, I don’t know what is.

Problem #1: They’re not “his” ideas. He’s trying to make headlines for introducing a single-payer bill in the Senate that has been entered into the House for going on 5+ years now.

Lack of education due to no free college. What are they going to do, pay for school like everyone else? Not those Broflakes!

Except, you clowns are as transparent as you are ignorant. In other words, massively.

So much victimhood in one disclaimer. U sad, BernieBro?

You think a request for evidence of an outrageous accusation is “protests too much?” Methinks you’re biased too much, son, and in a sad way.