
Why are “Johnson” and “Hollis” addressed by their last names, but Queshawn Wade is referred to as “Queshawn” throughout the entire article? Does the Tribune-Review feel it’s necessary to treat the black child differently than the two adults in this situation? What kind of subconscious bias is the reporter trying to

Who are you going to believe: Pepsi, or your lying eyes?

I hate this kind of anti-Democrat damned-if-they-do-damned-if-they-don’t argle-bargle. It’s not “edgy” any more to be against competent government.

That’s because you’re a shit-stain on the underpants of humanity.

She would have my vote in 2020 in a heartbeat.

I somehow doubt Clinton would have called Russia and said, “Give Assad the heads-up this will be happening,” though. False equivalency fail on your part, clown.

The Democratic Party won’t be healed until the Bernie Bros are kicked out and sent back to their Ron/Rand Paul subreddit.

Cool story, BRO. Meanwhile, Democrats have been the only party fighting to advance workers rights for decades. Democrats have been the only party fighting for civil rights for decades. Democrats have been the only party trying to get the system to work FOR people, not against them, in spite of massive and

Delete your account.

I literally can’t think of a better response to her than “Bitch, please.” Well done!

“But for all four to be accepted—I just don’t, I don’t know how it happened.”

Opinions don’t require evidence. That’s what makes them opinions in the first place. Way to not understand how opinions work, troll. 

Be the change you seek. Congrats on an article with such impact!

Except “bias” is subjective, which means you’re mad at other people for nothing but the fact that they think differently than you do. And this wasn’t a one-off either; polls consistently show a drop in support for “Bernie’s ideas” (none of which are actually “his,” mind you...) when the actual legislative policy

Was your failed audition for Titus Andromicus really that bad? Looks like it.

Sour grapes make for bitter whine. The insufferable D-bag Susan Sarandon knows all about that.

John Conyers has actually been submitting this bill in the House for over a decade now. (You know, the House, where legislation actually begins!) But of course, Bernie is showing up late to take all the credit, as usual.

What did you have before Affordable Care Act? Millions uninsured? You’d rather have nothing than something?

14 million votes in the primary prove otherwise, hack.