I’m not your kinja sherpa, nor am I responsible that you responded to a thread that wasn’t about you.
I’m not your kinja sherpa, nor am I responsible that you responded to a thread that wasn’t about you.
It’s funny how you argue for socialist policies in Europe and then cite the anti-socialist Liberal Party as an example of modern liberalism, without irony. It’s as if you clearly are talking out of your ass or something.
Australian politics is so ass-backwards, their conservatives band together as “The Liberal Party.” Canada picks their PMs through gross nepotism. And the UK, again, until you fix your Brexit shit, hold your criticisms, thanks.
Three governments still ostensibly linked to a monarchy. Maybe when you pull yourselves out of the Middle Ages, you can compare yourselves to modern governments. Until then, STFU.
WonderZimm wrote : I could care less if you believe me: I was down there, talking with voters. I know what I know).
Leave then, maybe. Or share which government is yours so we can compare it. Something tells me you might be British, who with their Brexit shitstorm shouldn’t be criticizing anyone else at this point.
Aww, snowflake exposed to opinions he does that like, and has a cry about it? Can’t worship your orange shitgibbon on The Root without push-back? SAD!
4 paragraphs to claim “I could care less?” You’re either lying or stupid.
I’ve been over “post-apocalyptic” for 10 years now, but that hasn’t stopped Hollywood.
You’re not from the US? Then you’ve earned an even bigger “Go fuck yourself” than you had up until now.
Sick of idiots like yourself? Probably not, even though they’re some of the biggest reasons for this whole mess. You’re so “above it all,” of course you’re going to consider yourself blameless.
Again, you’re arguing from the side who decided to appoint themselves gatekeepers of who or what is or isn’t “progressive.” Apply your rules to YOUR SIDE first, before trying to impose them on everyone else.
Ah yes, Politico. The first name I think of when I ask, “Who most accurately has the pulse of the progressive community.” Your comment made me throw up in the back of my mouth a little.
You get no forgiveness for ignoring the lessons of Nader. Everything Trump does is on you, no matter how you bleat about it. Because while your one vote might not have mattered, how much time did you spend online tearing down Clinton? How hard did you have to ignore the pictures of Jill Stein dining with Putin in…
People like you who cry “RIGGED!” when they lose a primary don’t get to decry the state of discourse. Not until you bring your game up first.
It’s even more disingenuous on your part to try to represent Hillary Clinton as “fairly conservative.” She was doing progressive work in the South while Bernie was still smoking dope in the Burlington mayor’s office.
Bernie Sanders voted against the Amber Alert system, for the 1994 Crime Bill, and for dumping nuclear waste on poor Hispanics.
Well past time to stop pretending he’s the second coming of FDR, or any other form of Progressive Jesus. He’s just a politician, and not a very good one, based on his record.
Peace out, Rumpletrollskin.
It’s hardly an assumption if you’re going to go to the trouble of explaining how they do it and why. Also, in the context of this story, Light is simply a high-school student. Nothing about his background is specifically tied to or altered by his race or ethnicity.