
I'm returning to a stuffy office environment after a year of living in yoga clothes. After trying on all of my old suits, dresses, and pencil skirts, I've discovered that none of my work clothes fit anymore, and I need to buy a new wardrobe. I spent today shopping and bought exactly zero things. Apparently, my

Wash it! Wash it when you first buy it (in a tub with baking soda). Then wash it regularly thereafter. Odor no longer a problem.

I alternate between The Mat and a Jade travel mat + Yogitoes as my daily mats. (I practice Ashtanga, so I do mean daily.) I find the Lululemon mat gives me amazing support — I feel much stronger in all of my poses. No traction issues at all, even when I'm sweating buckets by the end of my ten rounds of sun

If you don't need extra padding, then a towel on the carpet should be just fine. You could also bring your Yogitoes and ask if the hotel has mats (this is becoming more common). Or buy a $10 mat on your trip and then donate it when you leave.

This. I totally understand (and practice) saving for tomorrow, but not to the point of depriving myself of today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. It's like the cliche about being on your deathbed and not wishing you had spent more time in the office. If the experience of something (dinner with friends, a fun trip, etc)

One time, I bought a condo at the top of the market and sold it many years (and many expenses) later at the bottom of the market. After losing an ungodly amount of money, I swore never again to buy into that real estate bs (you MUST own your own home, renting is throwing away money!) After waiting on the sidelines

I saw something similar to this in Greece. Not a vending machine, but a dog food dispenser on the street with a sign saying it was for any hungry dog. My first thought was, oh, this is how they poison strays, and woe be the person who walks by with beloved Fido. I guess I'm just a cynic.

Congratulations! It's great when you walk into a house and Just Know that it's The One. I've been going to open houses for a couple of months (I haven't seen any listings I like enough to have a realtor show me during the week), and it's just depressing to walk into each place and think, meh, I really don't want to

Shoes are like jeans in that it's not enough to find the right size — you also have to find the right shape. A 7 is not a 7 is not a 7. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why so many people liked Cole Haan. The couple of pairs I had tried had killed my feet, despite the Nike Air technology. Then I realized

Move to DC. The better your resume, the better your social options. Guys look at you funny if you *don't* have an advanced degree or a condo.

P.S. Argan oil is THE BEST. Pure oil if you can swing it. Lush's Ro's Argan also is an amazing daily moisturizer. Don't let anyone tell you it's supposed to be a skin conditioner.

I think this is proof that (shush, don't let them hear you..) not all black hair is the same. Just like not all white hair is the same. But...but...I don't know how to process that! This might also be why I've never found anything in the aisle of Black Hair Care Products that I love, while "why are you using white

I'm a black lady with dry curly hair — humidity is the WORST. Fuzzy poofball, no matter how lovingly I conditioned, detangled, braided, slept on (with a headscarf) to set, etc. Might as well just have rolled out of bed and walked out the door. Dry weather means defined curls with minimal shrinkage.

Maybe the survey only includes city limits? When I think of who's actually living in DC these days, I have a picture of bike-riding, hipster-attired, monied youngins who are Winning Life. All the stressed out people are sitting on 95 for hours while commuting from Woodbridge or some such craziness.

Late to the game so this post probably won't be read, but because I posted a rant about Whole Foods on an open thread last weekend, I feel the need to defend the place. I'm in the DC area, and I've done a lot of comparison shopping with our major grocers: Giant, Safeway, Harris Teeter, Shoppers, MOM, Fresh Market,

I've never been asked to be in any of my friends' weddings. At this point, I have maybe a 50% chance of even being invited to the wedding. So I guess....I win?

Ooh, time for an insufferable world traveler comment! I miss being in Italy and getting a liter carafe of prosecco that cost less than a bottle of water. Now I have to spend $12 - $18 for a bottle of prosecco. Unless I go to Trader Joe's. They have Secco for $4.99. Just...Secco. If you want the P R O in front of it,

I got to a point where I could no longer count my number of partners on my hands, yet felt very inexperienced because the total number of times I'd had sex was very, very low. I just wasn't getting very many repeat visitors, and I spent a lot of time feeling bad about myself when a guy never called again. So I decided

Dear Whole Foods,

How are you going to raise prices on everything 10 - 30% and then post "Great Price!" stickers on the new price labels? Words have meaning, yo. Also, I probably wouldn't have noticed the higher prices (until I checked out and thought, huh, that's more than I usually spend, that is) had those stickers