
Indeed, an accurate conclusion from this would be "Millennial Women Less Likely To Live in Two-Income Household." Then we could have a discussion about pay gaps AND how womenz be single too much! From my optic in DC, I don't know many young guys who live alone. If they're not living with a partner, they have

Sleep medicine doesn't do anything for allergies.

Rooibos has replaced chamomile as my bedtime hot beverage of choice. Brew with warm milk, and it has Xanax-like effects of instant calming and drowsiness.

I am mildly amused that he had different women sing "little in the middle but she got much back," and as he was picking people, he looked at one woman and was like nope, just fat, and kept it moving. I bow my head in honor of all fat girls everywhere who practiced selective hearing when they made this song their


I'd always been taught that drinking more often but fewer drinks at a time is healthier than binging all at once, even if your overall consumption is higher (up to a point). Is that not right? I remember when ordering a glass of wine with dinner seemed so extravagant (and expensive!), but now dinner *without* wine

Day drinking is awesome, especially when the weather is nice and there's nothing more fun than sitting on a patio all afternoon. You can start with mimosas at brunch and work your through a bottle or two of wine, and wrap everything up by dinner. The key is to pace yourself, drink plenty of water, keep the snacks

This video undermines its message because all of the women have beautiful faces and flawless skin. When I complain that my body isn't bikini ready, it's not entirely about size (although I wouldn't mind dropping 15 pounds from my butt and thighs and adding enough breast tissue to fill out an XS cup). It's because I

I feel like I would love Minneapolis. The only thing that keeps me from seriously considering living there is 10 months of winter.

My reaction too. Really surprised about Atlanta (one, because it's Old South and two, because it has a large black population and we aren't exactly known for being gay friendly). Really surprised that DC wasn't included, then I realized that it wasn't even rated. I think this could have been done by metro areas, so SF

White people problems.

Donate. If you're feeling ambitious, look up a charity or church that helps women climb out of poverty. Otherwise just take the load to Goodwill. Ann Taylor and Banana Republic are not high-quality clothing. Most consignment shops wouldn't bother, but maybe a thrift shop would. Personally, I'd rather feel like I'm

I thought I did well with college, scoring enough scholarships / grants / savings to graduate from an elite liberal arts school without any debt. But then I used my wile and charm to land a job in a field where a master's degree typically is the price of entry. I've managed to swim with the other fishes for long

They can't all have wives, right? I'm available. Call me.

I'll believe we live in a post-racial society when black girls can ask out anybody of any color and not receive some coded variation of "sorry, I don't date black girls."

Damn. I was counting on my fertility diving off a cliff in my 30s. You mean I have to worry about getting preggers for another decade?

But if the table is reserved for the party, wouldn't it sit empty anyway while people are waiting at the door? I know that when I arrive before the people I'm meeting, I tend to order *more* — extra drinks and appetizers to pass the time.

Oh I hate handshaking too, especially since I work in a building where NO ONE seems to wash hands (seriously, cannot count the number of times I've been in the bathroom with women who don't even pretend). I loved living in a country where the custom was to namaste or bow — yay for keeping your germs to yourself. As

I've found with my eczema that prevention is easier than treatment. Once I get a flareup, nothing helps except to let it run its course (while constantly applying creams and cutting back on long, hot showers). I find I get flareups when I'm stressed and/or my allergies are out of control. So I avoid stress and allergy

Please. The only correlation between being an early bird and being successful is that society has decided that earliness is a sign of virtue, and everything caters to early hours. If the world were to flip around for 8pm to become the normal start of business hours, night owls would thrive on the carnage of broken