30s, single, usually wavering between "on the fence" and "HELLS to the NO" with kids. I have no maternal drive and minimal nurturing instinct. I yell at my dog when he is sick; my friends complain that I offer glib responses when they tell me about their problems; and most days I am happy to be alone in my home, not…
How do you guys handle friends who constantly bail on plans? I try not to get upset with the repeat offenders, and I usually don't consider such plans set in stone until I'm heading out the door, but it is quite annoying. I feel like I should go do something tonight, even though it means going out alone, because the…
Thank you for posting your experience with Finnish xenophobia. Every time I read an article about how PERFECT X country is compared to the United States, I just want to break the rose-colored glasses. As a black person who has lived and travelled all over Europe (and Asia), I usually get the "we hate immigrants" more…
Homogeneity is one of the reasons the Scandinavian countries work so well. It's also a factor that's conveniently overlooked or dismissed in discussions of these perceived near-utopias. See also the recent BBC article on how amazing Iceland is because it has virtually no violent crime.
Well, what's the point of buying anything when there's a cheaper alternative? Why buy a BMW when you can drive a Hyundai? Why buy organic produce at Whole Foods when you can clip coupons for Shoppers Warehouse? Heck, why shop at Target when there's a Goodwill down the street? Sometimes quality — or at least the…
I'm totes too lazy to cook. But I don't understand why there seems to be only two categories of eating: make everything from scratch, or eat out/eat processed crap all the time. Am I the only one who eats a lot of healthy stuff that requires zero cooking? I can't remember the last time I turned on the stove, but my…
Another child of a hoarder here. Another person who cannot stand clutter or decorative items. Every day I survey my home and think about the crap I need to get rid of, even though my furnishings are as sparse as your average hotel room. After my last purging spree, I got all of my clothing to fit into a single…
I've dated that guy. I've dated the free-spirited nomads and the older men who made me feel sooo sophisticated. I won't date either of those any more. As others have said, it won't end well. But it will be a good learning experience for what you can and cannot tolerate in a relationship.
Etiquette dictates that a man WAITS for a woman to extend her hand in greeting. If she doesn't want to touch a strange man, you don't make her. I REALLY wish more people would follow this. Actually, count me in for abolishing handshakes altogether, because I want no part of your cooties, man or woman. But assuming the…
I don't know why there's so much hate for Crocs. They make a lot of shoes that are cute. Crocs ballet flats are a staple in my wardrobe because they are as low-key as any other ballerina, but super cushiony and easy to walk around in all day. And then I can wash all the city grime off of them in the shower. Squeaky…
Honestly, most women do not look good in shorts and should give them up when they leave school. Skirts and dresses are the way to go for adults. More flattering, easy to dress up or down, and much more comfortable in hot, humid weather than fabric riding up your crotch.
Where do you want to live (and take the bar) afterwards? It will be easier to find a job in LA/West Coast if you go to school there, and it will be easier to find a job in DC/East Coast if you go to school there.
I presume it's working as intended on my Macbook with Chrome (it's really hard to tell these days, though, isn't it?) but it doesn't work at all on my Android phone. The comments just stack up on each other, forming a glob of unreadable text. I miss the old mobile format so much.
Just what I needed to hear. Going through the longest drought ever. Contemplating taking a break from social media because the constant stream of engagements, weddings, baby announcements, and other indicators that people who are not me are getting laid and loved is just wearing me down to the point where I can no…
Maybe it's a correlation/causation thing? Women are sweet until they get married, then they're miserable and take it out on everyone else? J/K...maybe.
How do terrible people like "you're too fat to be my real friend" find guys willing to marry them? Seriously. All of the truly insufferable women I know are married or in relationships, while so many of the sweetest, funniest women I know struggle to find suitable partners.
I just finished reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain, so this is my frame of mind. I struggle with laziness and procrastination all the time. It's particularly irksome because I work in an office of incredibly high-energy people who know only one speed: go-go-go-this-is-URGENT-must-be-done-NOW. I…
We're about the same age. Mostly I look at other people's children and think, OMG people move heaven and earth to make that happen? Kill me with a fork. Then I get around children I actually like, and I still feel overwhelmed after a few hours with them. I've realized I'm just not the kiddo type, that I require quiet…
All of these Running in Heels stories make me convinced that I should never, ever leave public service. I wouldn't last a week in a cutthroat, for-profit world.