
Around here there are dedicated yappy hours, but the patio areas of most bars and restaurants are packed with dogs during the warmer months. I won't be impressed until a bar allows my adorable little dog INSIDE with me.

As someone who doesn't even have a date for the weekend but who really wants to get married (and I'm in my 30s, so it's not just youthful waiting-for-knight-in-shining-armor speaking)...

Now playing

I'm rocking a big afro. It's how I roll, animal print pants out of control. Let me clear up a few misconceptions and make a point.

I think that when someone tells you he doesn't have feelings for you, it's best to accept that he doesn't have feelings for you. The "why" doesn't matter — but it's almost never because he was scared of a potential relationship, if he wanted a relationship with you. Guys don't get scared of things they want. That's a

This guy sounds like a douche, but not because of the aversion to debt. I disagree with the other posters — it's absolutely NOT fair to expect someone to take on another person's extensive debts. It has nothing to do with love. Money is one of the main reasons why marriages fail. It sounds like you two are not on the

Do whatever you want, but know that breaking up with someone because you "want to be on [your] own" and then immediately jumping to another guy is a shitty thing to do. It just is. Him moving on after YOU broke up with him previously doesn't change that.

I'm in the do-what-I-like-and-ONLY-what-I-like camp, which means mostly I avoid traditional workouts. I work through the hard parts by focusing on my breath (yoga) or staring at myself in the mirror and thinking I could dance so much better (Zumba). The rowing machine is kind of meditative when I get into a groove, so

At first I was like, push-ups? Ew gross. Hate those. Then I saw the pictures and realize you meant chaturanga. Ah yes, all good.

Duh, you're not supposed to want a husband at all.

So much truth. "I don't need a man, I have amazing friends" is so trite. I mean, if you are so awesome that people love you (even if you don't have one person to LOVE you), cool beans. But you are not your friends' top priority, and they will choose their own relationships, family, and personal lives over you. If you

It's about control. Men don't want women who would be a financial drain on them, but they also don't particularly want women who won't put up with their bullshit. Being financially independent makes it SO MUCH EASIER to leave a bad relationship. That's bad for the guy who is getting off on being controlling or

Upon second reading, this article wasn't about black women at all. It was about white women, for white women.

"Did you ever read the Racialicious article titled "Dear Lena Dunham, I Exist"? You should, because there are actually a lot of middle class black people and I would wager that of the black people (like me) who read Jezebel, there are many who grew up with "the same level of care" as most of the middle class white,

In all the years I owned my condo, my interest deduction NEVER amounted to more than the standard deduction, and I didn't have anything else to itemize or credits to claim. Selling that place and renting a home in a much nicer neighborhood was the best financial decision I ever made.

Fire is a good one. As for the keys, you have to be willing to do damage. Not just poke and scratch and hope he goes away. Cause mortal harm. In the words of Bellatrix, "You have to MEAN it." So maybe yelling crucio or avada kedavra isn't going to work here, but you have to be willing to gouge out the eyes. And if

"You're asking a group of people that have admitted to washing our jeans, bras, sheets, and selves less often than we "should", so I'm interested to see the answers you'll get for this question."

I know I need to do real investing, but I'm too lazy. I stash a fair percentage into retirement, have about a year's worth of living expenses in an emergency fund, and the rest is just sitting in a savings account. I know the money sitting in savings is basically going to waste, not earning interest and declining in

Yup. Women live everywhere. In most cities, women even live alone and go about their lives alone. It's no more dangerous being a solo woman in Istanbul than it is in New York.

I suspect that being black has sheltered me from a lot of the gender-based harassment women experience as tourists. Mostly people just act like I'm invisible, or at least make it clear that they want as little to do with me as possible. Turkey is my favorite country to visit, Istanbul my favorite city. The worst I

It requires a lot of self-delusion and discipline. Good luck. You might succeed for a while but then become a statistic — of women who lose interest in sex. (Women don't lose interest in sex as often as the stereotype alleges. Women lose interest in sex with lackluster partners they were never really attracted to in