
I'm the malcontent in my friendships and family. I tell people every year that I don't want anything. If there's something I want, I'll buy it myself. I've almost succeeded in completely eliminating gift exchanges (I don't buy anyone anything, including family members), but every year, someone still decides to ignore

I've been on OKC for a year and I think I need to give it a break. It was amusing at first, but each bad date just made me miss my ex more and more. I tried Match for three months and good lord, was that a waste of money. I guess since guys were paying, they weren't going to waste their time with someone like me? I

Do you usually use moisturizer after showers? I've always had extremely dry skin and won't even look at water without slathering on lotion, but if you're not used to water drying you out, the intense itching can come as a shock.

I would especially like to call a moratorium on people offering me advice that completely ignores my personality and what I'm looking for in a relationship. The next person who tells me to join a meetup group or sign up for something exceedingly social is going to get punched in the neck. I don't know how better to

I would like to call a moratorium on well-meaning people offering me dating advice. This includes, but is not limited to, advice to:

If you're meeting these guys on the internet, that's just the nature of online dating. Paradox of choice meeting lack of accountability and all that. Your mother was right, you can't trust strange men on the internet.

I have food and water and batteries and a stack of piddle pads my dog will refuse to use, but I'm not worried about losing power (didn't lose it for derecho or Irene either). My biggest concern is that one of the massive trees around my house is going to come down. I really wish I had an SO or even a roommate right

I've never been able to convince my dog to use a piddle pad. This will be an interesting couple of days.

Gven that people who post here are from across the country (and world), it only makes sense that the highest vote getters are companies that the most people have to deal with across the country. So yeah, the way the poll was conducted ensured the winners would be monopolies.

Thus always to tyrants!

What does no text at all mean? For example, if I were to spend most of the weekend with a guy because neither of us wanted the first date to end, and we parted ways with a kiss and him saying let's do it again soon, and then I don't hear from him that week nor does he respond to my "I had fun, shall we make plans for

The article itself is a little silly, but everyone could adapt the concept to his or her own life, regardless of busyness. Weekends are my primary time-free zone. I lie in bed for as long as I want, have a lengthy breakfast, laze around...sometimes it's 3 or 4 in the afternoon when I even bother to get dressed. You

Would it be possible to move closer to the city? Instead of living in a small town two hours away, live in a suburb maybe an hour away, and he could keep his job. He and possibly you would end up with a longish commute (although 1-2 hours is common in the city where I live), and you'd be closer to amenities you like.

"So why are my friends acting like I'm blowing them off?"

Yeah, I was very surprised to see that article on Jezebel presented the way it was. Clearly an attempt to comment-bait. Looks like it's not getting as much attention as the editors hoped, though. Good.

I had my best years 27-29. When I was 29, things kinda fell apart and haven't really been on track since then. I feel more directionless in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s. There is an ennui that comes from feeling like my goals are out of reach. I don't mourn the loss of youth or beauty, though. I think people who

My ex broke up with me over Skype. There is a statute of limitations for digital breakups. When you're planning the wedding is far past it. Guys do that shit when they're cowards who don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions.

I think it's worth it. Accessibility (right across the street is almost as good as right in your building) is more than half the battle. And paying up front might hurt a bit, but $360 isn't so bad for a year's worth of fitness—especially at a gym with a pool, hot tub, and indoor track!—and getting the payment out the

This still requires a whole lot of clicking and no easy way to follow complete discussions or pick up on new replies. The only way I can avoid losing my place in threads with more than a handful of replies is to open each branch in a new tab. Ridiculous. The only good thing I can say about this is that the double

I agree with this, although I suspect that most women of privilege (i.e., white, attractive, upper middle class) are able to do exactly that, fall into relationships when they feel like it. As a 30-something Forever Alone who has a stagnant career and no romantic prospects beyond short flings with guys who have no