
What it's like to be a bartender in Antarctica

I know you didn't, which is why I replied to you. I'm not overly familiar with this new format yet, but I will look into that dismiss feature. Breastfeeding IS about food. I am all for nourishing your child in the best possible way. And many women are modest, but some aren't. I just get rankled by the attitude that

Trust me, once you have a kid, you lose all modesty. Once you give birth and have 10 different doctors/nurses shove their hand up your vajayjay and stand around and watch because you're the only one in active labor that night, well, nursing a baby is nothing.

I'm mainly pissed by the personal attacks. Opinions and open discussions are great. Telling me I need therapy and I'm an idiot are just ridiculous.

Yeah, I'm a total bitch for having an opinion. I especially love the personal attacks. You know, because I have a kid and I try to be modest in public I must be a stooge.

oh u did it now... you either pissed off the "won't somebody think of the children" cult or the super self entitled "its my body, its natural, you are the devil, polite society be damned" cult. Good luck with that.

I agree. It's been years since I've breast fed, but I always had a blanket or something to cover me, and I usually looked for a discreet location as well. There is absolutely no reason to haul it all out in public. Not to mention, I would imagine if this was some sort of recreational center there would be a lot

I have to agree with you on this one - I'm not a parent yet, but when my time comes, I intend to feed my child in the most discreet way possible. There are plenty of alternatives to just whipping out a breast in public - cover-ups, mother's lounges (many businesses provide these), and pumping milk before you leave the

I knew that my comment would cause and shit storm, and it has. I have a right to my opinions just as everyone else here has theirs. I'm not anti-breastfeeding people!! For fucks sake. I'm not uneducated, I'm not a prude, I haven't bought into the patriarchal bullshit. I know babies squirm, I know that sometimes my

You could start to work on that now. You need to be comfortable, if not the milk will not flow. Maybe make friends with some hussies? They are fun to have around, you will benefit in many ways.

Really dumb question, because I didn't have kids and have never breastfed - also first let me note that I totally support the mom, here. But I'm one of these people who is modest to a fault, and I always wondered if I'd go to great lengths to cover up when breastfeeding. So my question is - when you have a baby, do

I'm sure I'll get blasted for this, but here goes... I am a mom to a 3-month-old. So I get the need to feed. It's important. It's natural. But really, I don't think it's too much to ask someone to cover it up in public. Politely. It shouldn't escalate into a brawl. And if the person refuses, then you should just walk

I love how you said "those families" with a certain degree of detachment and shame. I totally get it. My mom, who is a judge, is feminist when it comes to most women's issues and reproductive health, but TOTALLY MISSES IT when it comes to intersectional issues of race and class. "Those families" indeed...

When I was growing up, I often heard that God never let women get pregnant from rape, so if they did, they were lying.

I've wondered the same thing. In fact, I am one of those people who fastidiously disposes of things into their rightful receptacle. But when I drunkenly join the smoker's circle on the sidewalk in front of a bar, I too will sometimes leave a cigarette butt on the sidewalk. I always wonder why it's socially acceptable.

I actually have a black friend!

As a fellow small-hands-haver, I totally agree. I love my small hands! I'm less fond of my itsy bitsy wrists, though (mostly because almost all bracelets look ridiculous on them).

I'm with OP.

And call it Vandelay Industries

Yea I suppose I was only looking at it from the perspective of an entry level salary. I suppose for people who have been in industry for a while and are going for some higher-level position, there is more to differentiate the candidates.