
NEEDS TO TALK: Pull the string and it will go in an anti-Microsoft and anti-Flash tirade.

JUST AS I EXPECTED: I predicted YOU would say that, Curves!

BETTER STILL COMING in 2013: Had read that 8x will be introduced next year.

IN THE COCKROACH WAR ROOM: "Have an advance party hide out in a cable box. Then wait until you get delivered into the house."

HALLOWEEN COSTUME? When shaped like R2D2 you either dress up as a fire hydrant or a log.

PRODUCTIVE EXERCISING: That's what I call it when I walk 0.6 miles to the BART station and then get off the train 3 stations early so I THEN walk 1.9 miles to work. In other words, I build my exercise into my commute. I walk 5+ miles a day. With "Productive Exercising" you never notice the "lost time", so to speak.

But I'll bet you didn't get to 14% with exercise alone. What's your diet like?

AS THE SAYING GOES: "No Amount Of Exercise Can Ever Make Up For A Poor Diet"

2012 EUROPEAN PICKUP LINE: "What difference does it make if the Laacher See kills us tomorrow?"

Because it's more fun to drop a big drumstick into tank full of Gizmodo readers to see what happens.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! First 100 callers will also get a 1:6 Benz sans license plate.

Cute. You're fast on the uptake, I'll give you that!

MORE PARTS TO FAIL: What's wrong with placing a counter over a standard side-loaded oven?

"Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Willis?!

Ouch. That hurt.

GIZMODO BARROOM BRAWLS: It doesn't take much to start a fight around here. I like that!

HERE'S A CRAZY IDEA! What if we disconnect the bike and just rode the trailer?

PICKPOCKET PARADISE: Distracted by your phone, your wallet gets Skyped, er, I mean, swiped.

GLOSSY ON GADGETS; BAD: Glossy on girls; good!

CUTTING ROOM FLOOR: Men wanting short, curly hair can have their pubes transplanted to their head!