
WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING BUILIDING CODES: If Steve Jobs drove WITHOUT a car license plate, I'm sure that railing can be put into perpetual remodling status.

IN OTHER WORDS: Apple's business is booming.

THAILAND'S DRINKING PROBLEM: You've never heard the expression "To Thai one on"?

CUTE: A solution in search of a problem.

Oh. I thought this was being done to iPhones. Nevermind.

APPLE COMPUTER IRONY: Isn't it strange a company that became successful on the spirit of tinkering by introducing the Apple ][ now hates such seemingly innocent modifications to their products?

The cost of annual keelboat maintenance averages out to 10% the value. This includes bottom cleaning, sail replacement, slipping the boat, and stuff that breaks. I always tell people that it's NOT the cost of the sailboat, it's the repetitive cost of maintenance that'll bleed you dry.

HOW I DROPPED 32lbs IN 6 MONTHS: No white sugar. No white flour. Now white rice. Vegetables the main course + any meats, but avoid chicken skin. Then walk 30 minutes a day, regardless of speed and distance, which will naturally increase.

TERRORISM IS THE ONLY WAY TO COMPETE: You're crazy to consider a conventional war against this "wall". And, we've got some pretty bad ass friends to bring to the fight, too.

Sorry. I'm the dumbest "Gold Star" around here. But read that by replying, THAT will promote you.

LOVE PARADE 2012: Hack their WiFi network and pipe through disco music.

MARKETING OPPORTUNITY: Sell a liquor flask disguised as a Playbook.

WHAT STUMPS ME: With THAT much $$$, why do they even have to walk? Shouldn't somebody be carrying them?

TWO SIDES TO EVERY PICTURE: Hey! Why's that guy about to kick the officer's baton?

WHAT I WONDER ABOUT: How does a monthly cable bill "magically" get more expensive?

UNCLEAR ON CONCEPT: Gee, for $7 mill, you'd think they could afford to turn all the lights on at the same time.

SELL MORE UNITS: How about including that "special" attachment for lonely girls?

TECHNICALLY NOT A XMAS TREE: Fine. We'll leave the Xmas lights in place, but swap the tree with a US made surface-to-surface missile.

FEW THINGS YOU CAN DEPEND ON: Well, at least Santa Claus is real. Right?

BIG THANKS, CRUNCHY_BOB! Your help pushed me "over the top".