
BEAUTIFUL SIGHT: But wouldn't it take just five F-22 Raptors to splash all these planes BEFORE they knew the F-22s were even in their airspace?

REPURPOSE: Knit them 8" longer and you could wear them on another part of your body.

SUGGESTION: How 'bout photo realistic lawn with an occasional dog poop?

PICTURE THIS: After the Death Star disaster, a disabled, Storm Trooper was seen riding this.

UNCLEAR ON CONCEPT: So if the WHOLE world can pony up $5, anybody anywhere can watch it?

BRIGHTER FUTURE: Young men like THIS means the world still has hope.

FAST FORWARD: They discover it's a REAL possum with just a real bad makeup job.

UPGRADE OPTION: Add some animatronics to it for that still barely alive realism.

UNCLEAR ON CONCEPT: Might a boombox be a better option?

Thanks, again, TheLostVikings, for the leads.

Enjoyed that. Thanks.

CORPORATE PIE FIGHTING: First Samsung gets tagged and now Apple gets a face full of banana cream pie.

NICE MACHINE WORK: But, any good crook knows the best way to attack a safe is through it's weakest point. Avoid the vault door. Go through the wall or plan the heist during business hours when the door is open. Don't hurt anybody.

DESIGN WISE: I dislike bedrooms and formal living rooms. Their utility is SO limited.

That was fun to read. AND, I can sleep better tonight, too!

Yeah. I agree. Not a bad idea though. But it could turn into a game of "High Card". Let's see if we can shoot MORE missiles than they have flares to defend with.

Hopefully, if the chopper is a fair distance away and the bad guys are riding in a car over unimproved roads, then they'll likely be dead before they know what's coming. I'll put $20 on the chopper's success.

WINDMILL DESIGN: Odd. I thought they had safety measures to feather the blades to prevent them from destroying themselves.

FYI: Dyneema has been around for years. Been used to reduce the weight and strengthen the core of sailing lines.

WISHFUL THINKING: While those guys were playing with it, I would have paid $$$ to see that drone stand up, turn into a Transformer, and chase them.