
CORRECTION: They find an HP Touchpad with the Best Buy price tag.

FAST FORWARD: Like opening Indiana Jones' "Arc of the Covenant", Chinese engineers crowd around the US drone with anxious anticipation. As screws are slowly turned, the room falls dramatically silent. As the top cover is removed, all they find is an iPad 1.0.

Times have changed, my Gizmodo friend. Men have been taught to be more feminine. Women are taught to be more masculine. It's a different world; a very different world.

CLASSY DAME: Men, they don't make women like that anymore.

NOTE TO MICROSOFT KINECT: Prepare to get sued.

IN OTHER WORDS: Bill Gates tells China, "Here. You go first!"

GARBAGE IN / GARBAGE OUT: Music from an iPod is fine for casual listen. This just makes bad audio louder.

UNCLEAR ON CONCEPT: So how many licks will it take to get to the center?

IN OTHER WORDS: America's version of the Taliban at work. They've got their fringe nutz and we've got ours.

SUGGESTION: How 'bout car, cigarette lighter adapter on the other end?

APPLE PR SETBACK: Was watching early AM TV news today. Weather reporter, standing outside, tried to get cute and asked Siri how cold it was and got no response. Siri must have been sleeping in today.


Didn't we see this plate in a Salvador Dali painting?

HEY! Why are my image and YouTube links NOT working? Is it because I'm using Chrome?

CORRECTION: I may suggest something much nicer?

hahahaha I must have been channeling Rodney D!

FAST REWIND: My Dad wanted to call me "M Class", but my Mom stopped him. Turns out I have no class.

I agree.

CRUEL JOKE: Remember that joke where you pretend to grab away a little kid's nose? For an adult twist, walk up to a new breast implant patient and pretend to grab away their nipple.

FAST FORWARD: Following their commercially successful "PhotoBlocker", Norte Beer became a huge electronics company by selling housewives/girlfriends "CockBlocker".