Wasn't Matt Hasselbeck an above-average quarterback with a subpar supporting cast?
Wasn't Matt Hasselbeck an above-average quarterback with a subpar supporting cast?
Don't forget the magma off the coast of New Zealand (CNN), the numerous earthquakes along the Pacific Ocean's tectonic plate and across the Middle East (USGS) , and the extreme melting of Greenland's snow and ice (HuffPo). All in, like, 2 weeks.
It seems most hackers are better than the feds at these kinds of things, given that they can keep hacking and not get caught. I'd be hard pressed to believe that the feds have done the same.
Folks, this is NOT just police officer home addresses (which is bad enough). This is all of the information they have on confidential informants, manuals, phone taps, counter surveillance. This is as if they stole all the computers and servers from the police and handed copies to every criminal in the world.
I agree with you on the home addresses. Not just for the way this will twist the media reports, but also because I think this will make the officers' families targets of legitimate criminals and less legitimate hacktivists as well.
Last time I got drug tested, they patted me down.
"Before you get onto the idea of alcohol being legal and yadda-yadda... The idea that it doesn't affect your performance when you’re not smoking is [and I am being charitable] moronic. It takes days, weeks, and sometimes months for the effects of various drugs to lift and un-f—k your brain. All you have to do is work…
Douchecanoe is my new favorite word. Thanks for that.
Woah. But...200 years later? I'm not so sure.
While I can't speak for the OP, I take a sleep aid every night (Zoldipen? Generic AmBien) to treat my (legitimate) insomnia. Not all of us sleep like normal people, unfortunately.
My money's on Jimmer as the snitch. Glory hog.
The tag on the side says DUANI. Is that, like, Indian DUAN?
The only thing I don't like is the separate frame. Other than that, I like the design.
God do we hate Fox
The last thing he gobbled that fast? You guessed it - a bag of dicks.
Anyone watching UFC 126 tonight?
@Porkbun: I don't have any interest in a religious discussion, but all legitimate scientific studies indicate that being gay is not a choice. Differences begin in the mothers womb with the prenatal chemicals released while the child is still in the body, and we've also seen that the brain develops differently in…
Jezebel will be excited to see this story.
@Drakaji: In some cultures (likely the one your teacher came from) they only use their left hand for "unclean" activities (cleaning, wiping yourself). Doing other things with your left hand, such as giving gifts or writing, are frowned upon in these cultures.