
I'm not sure what I'm more impressed with. how thorough the article is or how, at least on the front page, the comments aren't a solid wall of demonizing the studio.

I can't with people who go "there's no problem with this"

So Kotaku Comments seems to generally think that as long as it's not "real" than people 'should' (people should do a lot of things) be able to tell the difference between fiction and reality and therefore things like rape porn or lolicon or drawn bestiality shouldn't be looked down upon/further examined. Ok then.

What is with these women? They all look fucking gorgeous without makeup. It's not fair.

No problem with the rape content, but "gay stuff?! Ew!"

i also religiously wear a full face and i thought it was weird to encounter an article full of women who never wear it

I wear makeup every day (not schlubby at home days, obvs) and I did not previously believe myself to be unusual in that, and yet somehow this whole series has been populated by women who wear almost no makeup on the regular. I feel like I must be a unicorn. But since I had no idea that I was alone in makeup wearing,

The Julia Stiles season of Julia Stiles is the worst.

I saw the HBO Drew Barrymore version of Grey Gardens, so I don't know how accurate it is but it seems to coincide with everything in this article. I'm assuming they weren't diagnosed with any kind of mental illness, but the delusions, hoarding, and refusal to be alone had to be the result of something other than just

I find Amber Rose a tad boring. That is all.

Mindy Kaling said something similar in her book. She was all excited for a magazine shoot with beautiful dresses and when she arrived every single dress was a size zero except for some ugly sack thing that they fully expected her to meekly accept as her punishment for daring to think she could have nice things too.

The Cosby lines were absolute perfection.

I said this on the Pissing Contest of this week: get a jar of Peanut Butter and melt chocolate chips in it, stir it up. You're welcome.

Grey Gardens is free with HULU. Watching it now for the umpteenth time.

Fucking kinja. It posted it before I was done. Anyway: I identify with Little Edie so much more now that I had before. Dealing with caring for an older parent, parent with mental issues, living in an isolated location and wishing for a chance to get out? THAT'S MY LIFE RIGHT NOW YOU GUYS. I also feel like my best

I got to visit Louise today. She comes home with me permanently in 2 weeks. She is one month old today. Her sharp teeth are coming in, and she is eating moistened and dry dog food.

I am officially on spring break and my introvert self is pleased because my sister is out of town and I get a whole week to myself. Also, my introvert self needs this whole week to prepare for the fact that when my sister comes back, her boyfriend and our parents will be staying with us for a week. In a 2 bedroom

What a sweet, tolerant doggy.

Oh my dear lord that is a cute puppy.