Still a lesser achievement than if she'd had big tits on a small frame though.
Still a lesser achievement than if she'd had big tits on a small frame though.
Not only that but she claimed she had no trouble attracting men with her plainness and her weight. Miraculous.
And she's gone now, so there's a slot for ONE of us to fill in the "not hot but valuable to the universe" category.
not a hottie, but still somehow valuable, SOMEHOW she did it guys. weird, wacky stuff.
Grizzled, and certainly growing that Kelly beard to cover up his plain features, Leo Tolstoy nevertheless knew how to hold a pen and use it.
Or calls you a "sheeple" or "shill" for being pro-vaccine and/or pro-biotechnology.
I have experienced and witnessed orthorexia. For all four years in high school, I was bulimic. This earned me a lot of problems, especially with my digestive tract. By the end of high school I 'graduated' to orthorexia. This was influenced by a girl I met and became close friends with my senior year.I told her I was…
The second someone says the word "toxin," I'm out. It's great for filtering out dipshits.
As a psychologist, I totally understand the need to identify possible patterns of unhelpful and unhealthy behavior.
a good question, especially since I suspect loads of orthorexics are using their "healthy" habits to mask (a move towards, at least?) anorexia. They're like, "I'm not under eating, I'm just being veeeeery healthily selective...".
I think it was a very sincere apology. I am also going to go out on a limb and say that despite acting in "12 Years A Slave." BC does not have many "colored" friends . I would still do him.
is it bad that as a colored person, i'm not offended? i think he meant to say "people of color" and i believe it was an honest mistake.
This video is making me laugh so hard. The golden just drops the mic and leaves.
I can't even explain the enormity of my love for this.
Someone teach that poor GSD how to properly inhale food.
Goldens are #1 in how fast they eat a lot of things.
Oh, great. Another raw vegan.
HA! I just scrolled down to the comments to write: "I wanna boop his nose!" :-D
That NOSE!! BOOP-a-rama over here :-)