Calamity Jones

Last night, a national NASCAR series raced on dirt instead of concrete/asphalt and it was spectacular. Other than tennis, what sports could be drastically improved by changing the playing surface? An NBA game on a concrete court comes to mind.

Of all the people that have given me handjobs, I maintain that the ones given by me were the best.

Being a male who is 5'6", I'm a bit shorter than the national average. I was recently wondering, if some sort of gene therapy was invented to let me essentially choose my height, how tall would I be? I feel like 6'2" seems like a pretty good choice.

When do you think we'll see a cap in size/speed/strength of pro athletes (primarily football)? The players are hulks these days compared to the first few decades of ball, and I'm having trouble imagining them getting any bigger and faster than now without some kind of scientific breakthrough.

They're so adorable after they hatch.

Are we sure this is Bosh's kid? To me he looks way too Melo.

Cleveland is also where Lebron's hair was last seen.

Whew, this story is like a breath of fresh air. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about athletes getting charged with murder.

adding to Hernandez's woes, two bodies and a broken cell phone were found buried underneath.

Finally the future can begin.

From a source at KTVU: The groundskeepers are Sum Ting Wong and Wi Fuk Up.

Hard to find anything straight in that city.

"Looks straight to me"

I'm more concerned about why Chloë Sevigny thought it was ok to attend an event in blackface.

How does he not fall over?

To be fair to the contestants, given the category, I'd have never guessed car racing either.

What a pair of complete idiots. I mean, that's just a total lack of awarenesof about things. Who even does that? They must have to know the consequences of this kind of action and how bad it can look. I mean, come on, these "Free" hats always require some sort of credit application, which will totally ruin your credit

Not Everyone Is Turning Their Backs On Aaron Hernandez

[puts 90125 on the record player]