
Honestly there are real issues with Wow. I don’t like to use the term dated but it is in several ways. The gameplay of SWTOR and ESo was much better, SWTOR especially. Each dungeon there felt like a theme park ride and was fun as hell. Wow’s are all the same.

Because they’re being carried by etailers and not in stores. Also, they are homages and they’re not knock offs. It’s a very gray area and Hasbro can’t do squat to them since the companies are all located in China. The Third Party toys appeal to a collector market, one Hasbro is choosing to ignore and short change at

We got a mysterious crazy joker to an antsy teenager mad at the world and because some girl dumped him on Prom. I have the animated series and Heaths joker yet.

I’ll be honest. After the initial game Bioware and EA more or less made SWTOR more awful story wise. They had some really good stuff going for a while but then they fucked it up with each and every expansion which resulted in them make Revan a shell of his former awesomeness and the Emperor a cliche that is so god

No fucking campaign? Really? /REALLY?!?/ We’ve been waiting for how many years only to get a FPS version of SWTOR with no story behind it? Why!?! This should have a story! Especially so close to the new movie! Why!?!

See, I've seen plenty of Windblade's wave, but anything past that I've not seen. Which is unforutnate. I only saw Roadbuster and Skybyte in my local Walmart and nowhere else. Which is a dissapointment, and I've not seen CW around at all here. Seen the RID stuff but I'm not at all thrilled with that line. 18 bucks for

I personally love finding stuff on the peg as well. It's the whole thrill of it and finding something new. Unfortunately distribution of stuff the past few years has gotten horrid, especially with the last wave of a line. Usually the stuff is out for longer on the west coast, but they also get it sooner, whereas on

Bigbadtoystore still has Chromia and Arcee in stock as a set for just about retail. Sure you need to pay for shipping yet, but they are the only ones with her in stock that I would reccomend(Toydojo and Chosen Prime are out of stock, as is HTS.), and I can personally state that BBTS has always done great for me

This was Hearts of Steel Shockwave from that series of Comic Books. There is a /really/ good Masterpiece styled Shockwave out, that will unfortunately run you a couple hundred now that it's no longer in production. May I present to you, FansToys Quakwave.

Mike, what you're really going to need to do is convince your wife to let you buy this beauty when it comes out.

Actually, if you follow current IDW lore, there are female Transformers, and have been. However, apparently, somewhere this was lost to Cybetron somehow and for the most part they were gender Neutral. Jhiaxus however, wanted to see if he could rediscover that technology, I believe, and captured Arcee and assigned her

Actually, she does. I swear to god, either you're a troll or you're just retarded. If you don't think she looks like Alex's design, then articulate your argument. Because until then, all you are, is a troll, or a flat out idiot. It's that simple honestly. Peddle your trolls elsewhere and peddle your haterade

You say it's nitpicking. It's not. I explained how the toy does not look like the animation model. Comics are also hand drawn. As are their models. You're arguement of hand drawn holds no weight. And you know it. She had a standard look, and none of them look like that much like the toy.

So where are Arcee's gigantic ass hips in that picture? Or the giant Back pack that just looks garish on her and doesn't at all look like how she does in G1? Her torso is also malformed and much more pinched on the toy, and so are her thighs in comparrison to the G1 Arcee. Now. The only arguement you could make for

No. They do. But I have you pegged. You're a Hasbro purist. Nothing will look like anything when it does unless it fits what you want. Would you say Generations Arcee looks like G1 Arcee? Because she really doesn't, if you go by your own argument. But I doubt you'll admit that. I also doubt you'd admit anything looks

They honestly do. I have Azalea right in front of me.

If you can't see how Azalea looks like the Arcee in the top picture then you might be blind because they look really damn close. And I sure there are better pictures as well.

FP's Dinos are great! I'd get Giga or FT's Dinos, but I honestly don't have the cash or room, and I like the smaller scaled stuff. The Deluxe, Voyager, and leader stuff.

The Fallen wasn't a Mastermind Creations toy. It was a Maketoys product. MMC hasn't tackled the Fallen yet and they've not stated if they will or not. Also, Battle Tanker is Maketoys and the plastic of third party stuff isn't softer. In all honesty it's on the same level or better than Hasbro plastic. Especially if

I disagree. The stylings are different. Hasbros Arcee went for a G1 look, and Azalea is based on her look in the comics. Both have their merits, but aesthetically, Azalea is better IMO. Much better proportions, and is all around solid.