
If you're talking MP Style, than yeah. IGears thrust is ridiculously expensive. Like three hundred bucks if not more for that single one. Mainly due to the demand. They also did a smaller one based on an F-22 I think, they were sort of IDW styled jets and come in a three pack. Thrust is the best looking of the

Honestly finding her will be impossible now unless she ends up at a ROSS, TJMax, or Marshalls now. She and Chromia suffered the same fate as all last waves as of late and had horrid and extremely limited distribution. Hasbro's moved on to Combiner Wars now, so I would try grabbing on online.

You should get MMC's Predaking. Have it myself and Feral Rex is fantastic. Hell, if you guy are doing third party stuff now I might have to publish some stuff on Kinja see where it goes. FP's Dinobots are also glorious.

Clearly those horns on his head are detachable to provide some "artificial enhancement." It's why they say "When you mess with the bull, you get the horns!"

Sad to hear that he has left us. Another good man has passed on far too soon.

The generations stuff is no longer complicated. They got rid of that aspect altogether pretty much. It shows in the new stuff they unveiled today.

Also, right before the Hasbro Brand Panel where they revealed a bunch of repaints, and stuff like that.. "Optimus" they had the organizers ban 3rd party products from the dealer room. Many of which would definitely out shine the Hasbro products, like Maketoy's Computron.

It gets worse, have you seen the pics of the new stuff? Here's the new IDW /VOYAGER CLASS/ Optimus Prime(Or as I call this one. Optimooshed Prime.). Even the new Brianstorm that everyone loves is pretty much, fold arms behind themselves, lay on back, rotate waist, combiine legs, attach cover. It's a robot lying down.

Those reactions remind me of the Onyxia Wipe Animation. Soooo much awesomesauce.

Comedy comes from pain friend. We have to laugh at some point.

Meh. I like him as Robin or Nightwing, and I like the actor. He just doesn't scream "Batman" to me though. He doesn't connect in that sense. It'd be weird.

Seeing Jersey on the top of the list of thieving pirating bastards makes me proud. Yarrr motherfuckers. Now what!?

It's this way in various companies these days. Employers claim they're all about customer service but they do not push for that. Instead they try to get you to pretty much annoy your customers with things they do not need and could careless about. I remember a few years ago I worked at a Toys'r'us in their electronics

Might I reccomend some scotch while you're in Tampa? I can always try my mental magic to swing that tropical storm into a Hurricane and send it that way if you like. Might make things a bit more bearable seeing people spaz. I've pulled it off once, I can do it again.

I think we can all agree that the first Live Action Transformers film began and ended with Blackout(The Helicopter Transformer), landed, transformed, and blew the bejeezus out of the military base. Everything else was largely forgettable. That though? That was /THE MOMENT/ of that movie.

The game's been out for over a decade. The spoiler alert for this game expired with the Y2K bug.

If this does become a reality show, who's up for making a petition with me for the intro song to be this?

Why are you doing this NYC? If you wanted to break up with me, you could just tell me. You don't need to go crazy and go into a convent. I'm a rational person, I thought you were too. Now come off that ledge, take my hand, and let's talk about this.

Wouldn't this be considered an invasion of privacy of sorts? Some company trying to stop me from linking someone to a site I want them to see, if vastly overstepping their bounds, and that's exactly what this is. This isn't some effort to protect people from malicious software, I call bull on that.

..Seriously. What the fuck? You know, I find a bunch of people who comment here amusing, when it's something that can be poked fun at. But this? The outrage over the outrage over something as deplorable as this, is not funny. Not in the least. Seriously, have some of you become so fucking jaded and enamored with your