
I'd say it's kind of important but I guess not really. The not being able to plug into the Pro controller is much more important, but the inter connectivity and the simple nature of Xbox Live's social features, and PSNs need to be adapted to the Wii U. I get that it costs money, but there's clearly an audience for

So a first-party headset is that important to you? I mean, all those third-party USB headsets work just fine.

I disagree, they do need a headset. If they want to be treated seriously and have people buying their console and playing online, a headset is absolutely necessary. The Pro controller doesn't even had a headphone jack, you need to hook your (3rd party) mic into the tablet controller.

At least Sony and MS's online services actually exist. Let me remind you about friend codes. We're past that now, and the Wii U has its own friend system but where's the cross-game chat? All the friend service on the Wii U allows you to do is see your friend's Mii, see what games they've played/are playing and to

Release a furry controller that licks you when you pet it.

Except it isn't cheap. Wii was $150 less than 360, $350 (!!!!!!!!!!!!) less than PS3. And the killer titles aren't as good, or as killer.

On the hand-held side online play is still adhoc or streetpass based. Games which feature true online play are still restricted to horrible Friend Codes or frequently unpopulated servers.

But that's the thing, at some point in the last few years, Nintendo as a company had just as much money as Sony as a company. And I mean Sony as in all its divisions.

Well thats a broad statement.

Dont you have grey scale FPS's to play? Get outta here.

I will personally disagree with your last statement. To me it isn't about the graphics but how a game plays, feels, sounds and story. The environment alone is enough to get me. It's why Bastion made it to my personal top 10 list pretty much instantaneously. Same with Earthbound and I only a few months ago finished

Its the same as last gen and its right where nintendo wants to be; the console everyone has because its cheap, but isnt powerful enough to get involved with all the Console Wars drama.

Don't worry! As soon as FFXV actually comes out, you can look forward to him bashing it because it didn't meet his impossibly high expectations.

"China's got a very fragile ego that needs to be stroked all the time"

He's kind of dead.

IMO they should bring in the original Snake.

Neither one of you losers are Kurt Russel, so whatever.

Bickle3 you say this, "If you use Steam you're a hypocrite, as it's even more restrictive than these console DRMs, so yes, I'll see you in line in November, which is where you'll be."

Cool story, bro.

Fuck off unless you can tell me exactly how having something that is DESIGNED to ALWAYS be listening and recognizing words ISN'T designed to invade privacy.

And don't present some lame straw man like you just did.

I mean if CISPA passes then legally speaking every Xbox One home has a government tap paid for by the