
“What if we made the whole team out of 4/5 combos and second round picks?”

You’re all missing the point with the Eliza Thornberry 6th round pick guy - that guy should be your top priority because he can talk to birds and flying insects and rodents and whatever and have them scout every other team’s practices and film room conversations and coaching meetings. You could have a network of

Banana Slugs being a shitty team name is a bad, bad take.

u gon die soon

Let me explain: You have a brutal own squared (the self own of pre-screening the crowd that then owns you) divided by a monstrous population own (Blum fucking his whole constituency in the face with the AHCA), which is then multiplied by the self own of the residents voting for Blum.
Or (as it’s legally known) A

This team is rapidly turning into the ‘85 Bears. We get it, you guys won a ring. I don’t need to see you on TV every fucking year talking about it

You have to remember that in 2008, Ray Allen was starting to get old - he was 33.

What Utah lacks in nightlife, it makes up for in massive interstellar generation ships.

The critics of this move should keep in mind that this clears the way for next year’s starter to get more experience in game action. Next year’s games, when a team will have a shot to put together a season that possibly doesn’t end in a meaningless bowl game, should matter more to the team and its fans.

One is taxed, one isn’t.

In the future the players should just say they are skipping the bowl game to study. Everyone making money off these games points to the players being student athletes as an excuse for everything. Let them try to argue with student athletes studying.

Is today the last day of your unpaid internship, and is tomorrow the first day of your enormously high-paying job for a completely different company? Because, yeah, then you should totally tell your boss that.


I rolled my eyes when I saw the headline. Then I watched the video. It’s mesmerizing and impossible not to get caught up in even though you know what happens, you’re not sure why it’s important, don’t like snooker, and didn’t care much about how the game is scored.

Thanks this is cool, I had no idea I wanted to see this but there I was, yelling at the screen and talking shit about anyone dumb enough to try and take on the mighty [scrolls up] Ronnie O’Sullivan!

I didn’t understand a word of this article and then I watched the video and my god, that was insane.

the expanse aint bad :)

Haha what? Quest 64 is god awful.

As long as we’re being pie-in-the-sky, why leave out Star Wars: Rogue Squadron? Okay, so it’s not as good as Rebel Assault, but few things are.

Saying “he’s an okay clinical finisher” is just like saying “he’s an okay excellent finisher.”