
that just doesn’t make any sense. you threw up a comparison of win totals and conveniently left out that one guy spent years in a role where you generally get saves instead of wins. Schilling should be in the hall of fame, but you can make that point without being deceptive.

Saves are a bullshit stat, and so are wins. but once you throw wins out there you can’t ignore the fact that one guy spent years of his career racking up saves instead. It’s just cherry-picking at that point.

Schilling should be in, but a comparison that leaves out one of Smoltz’s most relevant stats that Schilling can’t match is just a bad argument.

Do you guys actually just wait for Barnwell to write something and then write an identical article no matter the subject?

Don’t lie, you’ve been saving that one

Yeah, I gave up. Getting them to admit that just one incredibly simple fact was completely incorrect took multiple posts. Then I started asking myself what the hell they could be talking about with this supermajority thing (maybe they were talking about having 60 votes in the Senate?) and just gave up.

This is what you said: “Except that his party controlled the House for his entire first term...”

Obama’s first term ran from January 2009 to January 2013. The Republicans captured the House in 2010. The Democrats did not have a majority in the House, super-majority in the House, control of both sides of Congress, or anything else you moved the goalposts to, through Obama’s first term. Ugh I just realized that no

“Except that his party controlled the House for his entire first term”

I don’t understand why people don’t just use phrases that they know. Why reach for something that you don’t understand that will make you sound like an idiot?

Should have been whistled offsides

I say just go straight for the vasectomy when you’re drafted. Like, that same day. Best investment they could possibly make.

I’m crying

deadspin and also profootballfocus (who think he’s the worst CB in the league) and pretty much everyone with two eyes.

One of my favorite movies. Endlessly rewatchable.

Sucks for the kids, but really not a bad way to go for the parents.

It doesn’t matter what the stated goal is. You acknowledge that they can’t do the thing they want to do (make him stop using the name) and are therefore doing something else. Then you say doing the other thing is really the same as the first thing (which they can’t do). An apple is not an orange, and removing

How exactly is speech being compelled here? They are not being compelled to say, or not say, anything. The question is whether trademark is protected.

Ask the 2012 Oklahoma Thunder if they’d rather have the title or the potential.

That’s the sad thing about DFS -it’s actually incredibly fun, and maybe even worth the ridiculous amount they charge you to play. Would be perfect if the shady-ass sites didn’t sell it as a way of becoming a millionaire.