Got Link right away. i'm proud and sad
Got Link right away. i'm proud and sad
Great review! They just sold at least one copy because of it. Just one nit: It's 'duel', not 'dual.' Don't hate me for that; it's the kind of thing I would want someone to tell me.
I'm not sure which joke you're making. Is it"they've always promoted [abuse of domestic beers]" or "bud light will make you punch your wife"?
Going back and finding out someone you liked was into you would absolutely be worse than finding out everyone thought you were gross.
What a great start to my week. I'm going back to bed.
Love this, thanks.
That's not what we're talking about. If you get drunk and drive to the airport for a meeting the next day, you're guilty of DUI. You're not guilty of showing up to work drunk.
That's like saying a drink at the airport on Sunday night before a Monday meeting in another city is the same as drinking before work.
or maybe put up some wooden lower-case t's for "thanks, but we'd like you to go home." Maybe set them on fire to be sure they see them
The first Conan never gets enough love
You win
I enjoyed this so much I don't even care if it's staged
autocorrect put "lwed" in there? what?
91 people and counting didn't actually watch the movie
That's true. They're wrong.
I disagree, but "prehistoric Boozer" is solid.
I can't believe that Beasley is out there and probably one of our five best so far. I also can't believe he's only 32. If you'd put the over/under at 34 I would have taken the over.
Is there any way he sees another game in the Cup after that?
I laughed way more than this deserved