Well, yes.

If declining birth rate was all there was to it, they should have excess capacity as remains from before. Instead they have let the operation rot. I suppose if it was fidget spinners that would be one thing , but this is a regulated product that lives literally depend upon.

The idea that Americans are lazy and soft, and America is going downhill because of it, has been a talking point on the political right for decades. Often there’s a subtext that it’s “other” Americans who are the problem, not the target audience of whoever’s doing the talking. “You guys are the good guys, it’s just

Thing is.. this sort of work ethic exists in America. I’ve seen it. Many times. But there has to be a reason other than “the CEO wants to make more money”

Rich people telling everyone to work hard, can fuck off and die.

So how does anyone continue to like this guy after he shits all over Americans?

recently acquired Hankook tires

I see a lot of ignorant comments by folks saying that if we don’t like it, we don’t have to use Twitter. This implies that if you don’t use it, your life’s not impacted by Twitter; this is naive at best. Information moves at lightning speed on social media & that information influences world events. You didn’t have to

how much of this is so he can make sure he doesnt get banned from the platform like trump?

I think step one would be to swing by the Merc dealership to see what S-class I could drive off the lot that day. Step two would be to call Singer, and get my place in line. Step three is find a place in SoCal where I can enjoy this beautiful machine whenever I wanted, because I’m sure as shit not having them deliver

These guys do incredible work.

THat’s not how it works. One person shouldn’t have that much money. If the money were invested back into his company, aka THE EMPLOYEES, more money would be spent by them which would improve the economy. Keep licking boots though.


Spare us, dude. Bleeding hearts for the suffering mega-yacht industry?

Suspicious or not, there seems to have been no reason to seize the cash in the first place. They can get his info and investigate as needed.

$10k gets you a ten year old Camry with 110k on it. 

I feel anyone who “No Dices” this should be made to explain themselves publicly.

If I were dropping $100k+ on a car, I wouldn’t so much care about range. We’d take the wife’s [fill in luxury SUV here] when we need to cover ground. This thing is beautiful.