Sounds like you’d need the turbine to power an electric generator and then serve the electricity to a motor. Like a train. That’s how they do it.

I hear Iowa was going to hunt the wild deer running amok and donate the meat. I’ll eat that meat. But meat from a factory? I stopped.

Yes, we know the Trump admin wants to suppress DPRK propaganda because they are concerned that they can’t compete with them.

It’s nice and all, but due to part replacement prices, and newer more luxurious cars coming to market after, it’ll depreciate way too fast.

Not worth it. Land is expensive.

I sock all my money into the land. It returns just as well since I don’t pay rent to anyone.

Right, what country deports its own citizens? It’s not “dreamers,” it’s Americans.

The memo doesn’t matter. He can’t be indicted, just impeached. And impeachment is political.

Granted, Tarantino should have got a stunt driver, but it looks like all he really needed was to get a good set of off-road/sand/mud/snow tires mounted because that car was sliding everywhere at speed in the sand.

Yeah, this was the fastest S-Class at the time. But needed a big, stylish, cheap, and fast sedan for whisking fam around town that didn’t destroy me with gas mileage like a large SUV. I failed at the gas mileage part.

Naw, just trying to chew through the battery. I need to go plug that back in. Lucky I had a 2 amp charger in stock for it.

“Papadapoulos (not bothering to see if that’s spelled right)“

It a 500lb V12 which is not bad at all.

My S600 is extra lemony because of that connector, so I got a substantial discount. Car is fine, but fuck that electrical connector. I still have a 2 amp load when the car is off and likely related because oil up in my wiring harness. And mind your spark plug gap. It had a blown $1,200 coil pack because spark gap too

So, the fourth paragraph in the letter is basically saying that the underlying intelligence that supports the memo will not be released.

Internal friction hosing your gas mileage.

Since you brought up the forums, I hate the thing were someone asks a maintenance question, states they giving up and taking to a professional mechanic, and then never complete how the problem was resolved.

Yeah, I went with the S600. It’s just stupid stuff (leaking transmission electrical connector that will fill the controller with oil and hose you since now you got oil in your wiring harness shorting stuff out; if you own a Mercedes, replace that $10 part,) or regular consumables that need to be replaced. Most stuff

Have a 2001 Mercedes S600, and the V12 is mechanically sound. Any problems with it are wholly unrelated to the engine although a mechanic improperly gapped the plugs causing damage to the coil pack for an entire bank of cylinders.