I think all this shows is that we've gone too far regulating truck emissions and need to start using common sense or tarring and feathering aspiring regulators.

I recall seeing that episode. I was disappointed that they didn't do the test with lemon juice. My interest in this field is rather dated, but lemon juice usurped pennies as the myth in my town. One must really get a mouth and lung-full of it, but I have reason to believe it masked alcohol from certain test gear in

If you read what duncan345 wrote on the topic, he said that conservatively 80% of his 15 year old classmates got hardship licenses. There is a difference between finding and exploiting a loophole meant for really distressed people and ignoring that you're the only one abiding by some moral notion of the intent rather

The irony that Jalopnik parroted yesterday's attack on the WSJ for falling for Obama's semantics on the 40 mpg Dart is not lost on me.

Still not as bad as a Panamera.

If there is a 19 year old that needs to use a Gallardo to impress a 15 year old girl, then he should probably not breed. Statutory rape laws are aren't all bad. Good grief. When I was 16 years old and 'borrowed' my mom's new Porsche, I used it to pick up UVA girls, sometimes more than one at a time.

The roof looks chopped to me, so just snagging the unique pieces and putting them on another donor vehicle wouldn't create a good reproduction. Amazing to think it won't be saved, but California counts ever car condemned and sent to enrich China to be a victory over the vile American people.

Something tragic has happened to automotive design over the past twenty years.

Having lived in that hell for about 5 years, I don't understand how anyone there can not develop the habit of maintaining control of one's keys. Humanity is present in NYC in statistically insignificant quantities.

Modern cars that have paint for bumpers and modern people that have shit for brains are a bad combination. Cars parallel parked in urban areas age like milk. I hate parking my car on the street. Any time there are a few extra feet of bare curb someone will try to force their car into the space, even if they're from

Was this really an accident? It looks like the victim was just unaware that her 'friend' had marked her for death. It all makes sense if you consider the possibility that the driver was luring her into position to sandwich her between two cars.

I wish she'd been the one parking in front of me the night a guy parking in a big end space did $5K damage to the front of my car.

My girlfriend and I bought a Mini Cooper in 2003. At the time, BMW could not make a small, excellent FWD car. Their RWD cars have only gotten exponentially worse since, so I'm not optimistic. All I have to go on here is 25 years of intimate brand knowledge, my eyes, and the mention of a 1.5 liter 3-cylinder turbo

It has long been said that suckers will buy anything with a spinning propeller badge. I guess it went to their heads.

Isn't the point of prison to protect law abiding citizens from criminals? This guy has served time twice before and now he'll get a lousy 32 months for a plea deal on what was initially attempted murder and grand theft auto? Thanks California.

I suppose it is fast enough, as long as there aren't any V6 Camcords about. Fortunately for diesel Porker drivers, they don't have to worry about being left for dead by family sedans in Europe.

The difference is you were sold a bill of goods about Bush while Obama is the embodiment of everything the media told you to 'think' about Bush. Bush stopped playing golf when combat operations started and never resumed. Bush worked from Texas, both on domestic and foreign policy rather than on raising money for

I know you are, but what am I?

You do realize that the Obama clan take 5-6 vacations a year, he golfs an average of 36 times a year, and almost all of his travel and time are consumed on his campaign now, right? Did you also notice that he is a complete failure as a president, that the unemployment rate of his most ardent supporters has

Maybe it has been so far, but your blinders will be off by February at the latest.