"The single mother of two working multiple jobs to make ends meet aren't the ones buying these things "

I was responding to DSD's assertion that the driver and passenger who are now hospitalized in stable condition were relatively uninjured just because they got out of the car before collapsing. That has nothing to do with Davidson's Le Mans Toyota being a race car and everything to do with him being seriously injured

Then absolutely buy a car that is sold by dealers that let their children use new stock to sow their oats.

Then why are they still hospitalized? Hang over?

Anthony Davidson got out of his car under his own power with a broken back the other day. I had a far worse accident when I was in college where I was thrown from the car and I walked around afterwards until my cracked C4 vertebrae caused my neck to swell until I had difficulty breathing. There was nothing about this

If he hadn't crashed it, some 'loyalist' would have bought a 'brand new' Dodge that had been thrashed without being broken in. What a great dealer.

"Both the driver and the collapsing passenger are now listed in stable condition." Close enough for government work.

It makes you wonder where your challenger got his information.

No way! I can't wait for automobiles to be a luxury reserved for the rich and all the middle class proles to get herded into sustainable concentration ghettos!

$9,500 OFF, making for new Saab 9-3s starting around $22K.

I've seen dozens of cars with stains from spilled oil due to sloppiness or poorly located oil fill holes. What I've never seen is an engine fire caused by a little spilled oil. The problem with the Cruze isn't a little spilled oil. It is that a plastic engine cover is too close to the exhaust manifold, meaning that a

Bet all those Volt driving clowns are feeling silly about having paid extra now!

And GM hasn't been in business long enough to know that oil gets spilled during oil changes and therefore they should design the car so as not to make that a cause of conflagration? Not everyone that buys a shitty car deserves to experience a car fire as much as the people who champion the builders of shitty cars.

I didn't vote because every Triton V10 powered Ford I've driven has been a thrashy, valve floating box of mechanical hate and I still think this sounds pretty cool. I'd need to drive it to see if the V10 has somehow been engineered to not Ford.

Then the used car dealers can sit on them until they rot. New Saabs were advertised for $9,500 to $13,000 off for their last 2 years on the market here and still only the most clueless bought them.

Stupidity should be punished, but not collectively like with Obama being president.

Having worked at a dealership that sold new Saabs in 1989, the reality is that Saabs were terrible to their owners before GM bought the company, which is one of the reasons they needed GM to save them. Without GM, they'd have folded over 20 years ago. The Saabs of 1989 made the Oldsmobiles we sold look like Toyotas.

In some ways these are modern European cars with incredible electronic complexity that require troubleshooting and software updates which call for proprietary systems and full time technical support that only the parent company can provide. Each modern Saab is a potential paperweight, especially in states requiring

"It remains unclear if this is why people think BMW drivers are asshats." - Thanks for the laugh!

It also returned piss-poor fuel economy and was slower than anything else other than perhaps a 1.8 Cruze or a Jetta [2.slow] with its 2 liter engine. Car magazines rarely write anything overtly negative that doesn't fit their narrative of rising and falling brands, and Motor Trend has fluffed the domestics as much as