@Bluecold: For some long-time Porsche admirers, it was the end of the line. The Porsche that produced the 911, 914, 928 and 924 would never have built a rear engined water cooled car so old guys who don't know anything about cars can live out their boyhood fantasies. The Boxster was a good idea badly executed, but the

@LuciferV8: I had an SC400 as a company car about 15 years ago. I couldn't have been much less impressed. I know a woman who has an SC430 and she loves it. I couldn't imagine loving the SC400. It was uncomfortable, handled as if the shocks were drained, spent more time in the shop than expected, had a small trunk and

@Drujon:OTOH, the German luxury cars are pretty much garbage at the moment. They're low hanging fruit. Meanwhile, I rented a 2011 Camry a few weeks ago, and Matt Hardigree doesn't know his ass from his elbow. It would be much harder to build a car as well as Toyota does for low twenties than it would be to build a

Why on earth would they? Special Vehicle Operations is long dead, and none of their products ever resonated with the market. Calling a new Mustang a Shelby might have no more to do with Carroll Shelby than an Ecoboost does with SVO, but the real Shelby Mustangs of the mid '60s are revered, while the SVO Mustangs of

Robert Cumberford didn't understand or chose to ignore the styling direction offered. He also didn't understand the proposed nitch. The original Corvette C1 based Nomad came closer to meeting this brief than the Mustang did. And what about the intention of producing a quality car that would sell in small volumes for

The only thing I'd change would be scrubbing the Armor-All off the dash. Nice price.

@moetop: My then-girlfriend bought a non-S Cooper when they first came out. The BMW-Mini dealer treated her pretty well, and she spent as much time driving all the new BMWs as loaners as she did driving her Mini Cooper. Visits to the dealer were 70 miles each way, which compounded the harm done by their frequency. I

@maximum_sarge: I was just reading a post on another forum by a guy who replaced his Thunderbird with a Lincoln MKVIII only to discover that he didn't need new keys.

Does that idiotic cocksucker really think that shippers like wasting money on fuel? They aren't paying for a third more fuel than they need. This totalitarian shit-for-brains will lead to smaller trucks carrying fewer goods, just the thing for the reduced standard of living that every single one of his policies

@OG_: The original GTi had 110 hp from an 8-valve 1.6 liter engine. 12 more hp from a bigger engine with a 16 valve head and multiple generations of 'evolution' says it all about the VW of recent decades.

@Spiegel, Herp of Derp: If I could choose only one of them to vanish from public life, it would be Katy Perry. She's ugly, but she can't sing.

I consider it a breakthrough for Formula 1 that they wound up running the full race distance, even if half of it was behind the ugly pace car. It shows that they at least tried to consider the paying fans for once, perhaps because South Koreans are the best rioters in the world. On the other hand, that the writer

@Vavon: I can only imagine their advertising campaign: Why not buy a 35 year old econobox? It is just going to get carjacked anyway!

Sabra - the sports car from Israel racing at Sebring. I would love to buy a car from Israel. It would rub all the right people the wrong way.

@Dravs: Russia isn't in Europe?

@Sleepinglucid: I suppose it depends on how much distance was available to stop. Drag racers and speed record competitors use drag chutes all the time without incident.

I find it odd that this guy uses previous generation Explorers off road. They were never anywhere near as good as some of their contemporaries in the rough stuff. He must have been extremely loyal to Ford for some reason. Nice of them to wake him up from his illusions about the motor company.

Seems to me that there are two different mufflermobiles in the photos. The one shown in the top photo seems to be based on a Cavalier convertible.