@cobrajoe: I'd like to see this guy apply his big brain to solving the camber change issues of Ford's swing axle front suspension.

@cobrajoe: I just can't believe the traction this guy has achieved by claiming to solve the camber 'problem'! Maybe the next inventor will try to patent equal length control arms.

@cobrajoe: I agree with your explanation, but it doesn't fully explain why the R-compound Camber Tire was worse than the 140 treadwear Camber Tire.

It looks like all these tires do is defeat the purpose of static camber settings. If having the tires' contact patches square to the body of the car at all times was desirable, then there wouldn't be any camber in the suspension in the first place. The chart of Sherman's test results doesn't show any game changing

@doug-g: Acorns, the new green technology!

I'm sure today's 'grand prix' circuits are safer, and it is easier to read the sponsor logos in low speed corners, but this video really shows how the spectacle has been diminished by the near extinction of high speed turns in today's open wheel road racing.

@CarGuyDad: We are the state that sent Nancy Pelosi, Susan Davis, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer and Linda Sanchez to Washington. It is a wonder that we can still buy any cars at all. CARB is a mechanism for making things we've taken for granted into luxuries for the wealthy. Things like cars, energy, land, and jobs.

@doug-g: What are Hondas made out of? A squirrel ate through the fuel line where it enters the gas tank of my father's TSX, the only problem he's ever had with the car. The gas killed the squirrel, and I think home-owners insurance covered the car repair.

@OldAudis: I've lived in California for over 4 years, and I've yet to discuss CARB with anyone stupid enough to think it should still exist. Unfortunately, many people are blind enough to vote the tickets of their unions, and that is how evil gets done.

I watched the clip. This article says more about Hardigree's bigotries than the commentator's. Rather disgusting excuse for a human being.

Ayrton Senna a badass? Since when is being a crybaby compatible with being a badass? I don't just mean that he was a whiner, I mean he broke down and cried like an inconsolable little bitch when things didn't go his way on the track, like at Monaco in 1988. He cried like Eric Lindros losing the Stanley Cup. On the

When I read current automotive writers denigrating the cars of the past, particularly saying that they couldn't go around corners, I just can't help but to wonder what they're doing writing about cars when they can't really drive. The man who track tested this car could drive.

@gotsmart: What I really need to know is how it performs in the ramp to ramp jump!

@eddynat0r: Good for him that he has an alternative sense of aesthetics. Otherwise, he'd have as much use for a mirror as a vampire does.

Harry Miller. Ettore Bugatti built himself a nice reputation by buying a couple Miller 91s and reverse engineering his way to fame and fortune.

This is a house that looks like a vehicle.

Has he ever seen a VW Beetle?

@FTGDWolverineEdition: How did they get rid of all the violent criminals, junkies, sedentary bums and other card carrying union members?