My dad always reminded me of this when he worked with more troubled kids in our youth group at church. A teenager who was skipping class, committing petty crimes, and failing every class whose life is turned around shouldn't necessarily be comparing themselves to the A student who never broke a school rule. Their

Uh... well, since this would fall under Administrative Law (the "headless fourth branch" of our government), the threat of voting out members of Congress is non-existent. That is, because the FCC is an administrative agency with quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial powers — delegated to them from Congress under the

"if you show them that there's the threat of them not getting reelected they'll backpedal as fast as possible"

Right and that's the point.

You'll never be able to explain that taking things you didn't pay for is stealing on here. Because they didn't have to physically stuff something in their pockets and run out of the store they think a crime hasn't been committed.

So CISSP is all about the law when it comes to billionaires — in his hypothetical little bullshit world — losing a few bucks due to piracy, but somehow doesn't give a flying rat turd about the Constitiutional Right to Privacy (Amendment, the Fourth) and is fine with the NSA and other Big Brother organizations

DRM means Digital Right Management. Which can hold a very large array of meanings to protect an intellectual property, more than what has been actually tried in the past. Everyone having been fucked is not a DRM problem, it's a solution problem. They just haven't found the right way to do it, simply put.