You weren’t wrong, she has my full support. 

It was for me. This quote:

There, fixed it for you

They look the same, but they only taste similar at best. Like, I like ‘em, but it’s like a statue of Jesus in church compared to the Second Coming. 

That’s what I’m saying’, we have to, it’s not just ideological like I don’t want a second term for a president whose policies I disagree with—we can’t take much more of this before Scotty pops up and says “She canna take much more c’ptain she’s gonna break apart!”.

I literally cannot imagine what 5 1/2 more years would be like. Aside from my thoughts on his policies, just the whirlwind, I’m exhausted. And I know that’s what he wants so I can’t rest. 5 1/2 more’s too much

Must be a Hattori Hanzo sword

The Olympics are awesome and should totally be held somewhere, as that level of multi-national athletic achievement is the only thing that keeps some of these sports alive. the Olympics are good.

My mind reals at the idea of landing a 737 on an unpaved runway, that’s pretty incredible.

That was wild. I knew the story but had never heard the actual track before. It’s not a bad score, but SK def made the right decision. 

Oh my god. No matter how dumb you think a man can be, does he actually think “childhood cancer” is a type of cancer, and that you can just cure “it” and kis will no longer get cancer?

Electricity can also be made from solar, nuclear, hydro, and wind power. That’s the idea with electric cars, to make it so the juice comes from renewable sources. Still that’s a crazy slow charge.

Wait, 12 hours gets you 48 miles? 

What’s weird is, when I went into basic training, I didn’t poop for 7 days, despite easting quite well and regularly. This is a common experience, I bet I get more than a few comments from people saying the same thing happened to them. I don’t think a single one of us pooped before 3 days, 7 was about the max.

The best place to start your federal incarceration is at Las Vegas, Nevada. Event organizers have designed the unofficial Area 51 Visitor’s Center, approximately 1 hour and 22 minutes west of Vegas, as the meetup point.

Cool with the list but everyone knows Idris Elba should be Dr. Who.

Are you actually imagining that MI6 only has ever or ever will have only 9 double-O agents with a license to kill? They have nine AT A TIME, and every single one of those are bound to retire or be killed in the line of duty.

When I was in college I used to make a batch of Tollhouse cookie dough every week, with little to no intention of making them into cookies. So if anyone was every going to get sick from eating raw cookie dough, it was me. All I ever got was fat.

Ah, he was being click-baity, that’s what I thought.

Was this ever a HyperLoop tunnel? I though HyperLoop tubes were vacuum sealed and had passenger cars that zipped around at like 760 miles an hour. They’re more for long distances, this was always just a tunnel.