And yet you didn’t even do it in your own fucking comment. If you’re going to be pedantic with me, do it right.

Let me guess you didn’t ‘get’ it and now you’re mad at me because I did. Life must be rough.

That is the most amazingly pedantic thing I have ever read in my life. Anyone who’s upset about COLON use in a comment needs to get laid more often, for real.

Only 10 percent of adults are intelligent enough to get it, the theater I saw it at laughed and was bored, I wanted to kill everyone.

The real hero here is her s/o who kept a straight face when she said it. Like, I’m even impressed the actor was able to do it.

Granted, armed robbery. By a minor. And he wasn’t the one who was armed. Jail? Yes. Five years in prison and 10 probation? WTF? And you can not possible tell me that a white kid would have received the same sentence.

#wheresmelania? Spending our money somewhere, no doubt. Probably lots of it :/

It’s probably not often that your insider knowledge of grocery self-scan machines drops a jaw, but it def just did.

Someone needs to ask her if the tanks are near Baghdad, because they are Sarah, they are.

I’d laugh, but this is the sort of thing that plays into the Trumpers’ victimization/persecution narrative. My autocorrect fucks me all the time, especially if I’m having dictating to Siri. The idea that his phone would ‘correct’ Melania to Melanie is very believable and really an incredibly obvious explanation, and

...and ‘cuck’ in a following sentence. I mean for real.

As former Air Force, I will allow this but only because it is true.

I cannot hear Laurel. I hear Yanny almost to a parody degree, like yAAnnEE. No matter how hard I try I cannot even conceive of someone being able hear the word Laurel.

It’s good for Russia in that it separates us politically from out European allies. It’s potentially bad for Russia in that it’s part of a broader push against Syria. Israel would very much like to eliminate Syria as a threat, but that requires hobbling Iran first.

Yup! Unfortunately for them it has the opposite effect on a judge [sad trombone]

Trump can absolutely read. What he can’t do is concentrate on one thing long enough to finish a sentence longer than this one, if that.

How about make it a law that every restaurant has to hand these out.

“Stupid Watergate” is now too kind of a description for this dumpster fire. If this were a political thriller it would be a farce, because no one would believe that events like this could actually occur.

Eventually one of these days one of these yahoos is just going to admit that the pee tape is real on live TV.

Whatever perfectly reasonable explanations a guy might have for having 16 cell phones, I still cannot wait to find out what’s on them. My right nut if it’s not something j-u-i-c-y