Growing up I never thought of Prince as a guitarist. But goddamn if he isn’t one of the best guitarists ever.

No, I do know, but I’m not your English teacher do your own homework. I do def know that it is not about ruthless self-interest, because I have actually read the books. Self-interest, yes, but not at the expense of other people. She was against welfare of all kinds, including corporate welfare. You may disagree with

If it’s not about the virtues of myopic self interest, what is it about?

16 cell phones. You know each one of them has evidence of something on them, because why else have a burner phone? Thing about burner phones is you’re supposed to ‘burn’ them. He’s facing life in prison, he’ll def turn on Trump, whatever Trump has done I guarantee is unpardonable at least in the legal sense. Unless

I love this man so much. I wish he were my lawyer.

This took me a second to get but, f*** yeah

I think you have a different opinion of it than I do.

Well they could start by actually trying to apply that work of fiction to the real world, as opposed to whatever bits they picked and chose and mixed in with their own whatever. They’re actually applying Ayn Rand about as much as the religious ones are actually applying the Bible.

As someone who digs Ayn Rand, it bothers me to no end when people conflate assholes like him with her work. I know, I know, he loves Rand. He also completely missed the point.

As long as he furthers their agenda and appoints judges that will rule in their favor, he could actually commit murder himself and they’d roll over for it.

He literally negged the President of France.

I don’t know what ‘Real’ Cadbury tastes like, but when I was in the service and would be visiting Germany on my way someplace else the first thing I would always do was buy a Milka bar, and savor every goddamned molecule. 20+ years later I can still remember landing at Ramstein, getting a Milka and talking it back to

My jaw is dropped, meaning it dropped and is now stuck, which is saying something in 2018. Particularly: ‘He represented me in the Stormy Daniels case but there was no campaign money involved, because that would be very bad.”

Used to make Nestle Tollhouse cookies every weekend, rarely ever actually completed baking them into cookies. Eventually I stopped even pretending that I was going to try.

I hadn’t even noticed that before, and now it’s bugging the sh*t out of me.

I’m 49 and I definitely remember the section of my 8th grade history textbook that taught that there were positive aspects to slavery, chief among them that the slaves were valuable property and so their masters did not want them to come to any real harm smh.

Technically this means I can say I fought in Desert Storm. Sure I deployed to Kuwait in 1995, but the operation was still called Desert Storm at the time and I have a Desert Storm service ribbon. And at least I actually made it to f**king Kuwait.

I have had Parisians, Romans and Cubans tell me they’ve never had better coffee than the one they had in Melbourne.

Well I was going to give this movie a pass, butt...

You’re analyzing his words as if he means anything he says. They’re just sounds that come out of his mouth. Very bad sounds, to be sure.