I’ve been using a top sheet my whole life under a what manner are these people sleeping that it ends up in a pile on the floor by the time they wake up?!

That burn was so hot when I read it my swamp cooler turned on.

So, he obviously knows he’s being filmed for a reality TV show of some kind, because that level of production work is not possible without having actual camerapersons and equipment on set. So if he agrees to commit murder, at least he knows he’s doing it on TV and has signed some kind of likeness agreement so that

“Virginia Cthulu Kids First” Why would this upset anyone?

Wow, what a giant tool. So to speak.

Gad damn, how much I wish I could disagree with this.

All good advice! To about the smallest audience imaginable.

Was not expecting such a cogent answer, I’m actually looking forward to trying this now

Seems like he’s got his Olympics confused, he’s thinks he’s at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Easy mistake to make, these days.

Make good movies, you don’t have to worry about an early bad score tanking your movie!

That’s the Dept of Justice, not the State Dept. State is Rex Tillerson, who has his own problems with Trump but is maybe the one person not involved in the Russia investigation, despite having ties to Russia.

This white boy will dance with joy, at least until Pence is sworn in.

Would be OK with this if they just had Prince up there doing his entire 2007 halftime show.

You mean the moment I realized Prince was actually one of my favorite artists? Nothing has come close since.

Without being a lawyer, if I had to bet money on it I would agree with you. In a store theoretically you’re in public already and have given up your right to privacy, and also presumably you’re already being recorded, right?

A lot of stores have a no recording policy, it’s their own private space and they can do what they want (within the law).

I have friends this who say this to each other, but you gotta know who you’re saying it to. Saying that to your opponent during a match, WTF?

Apparently word is he has some headline-making news about North Korea, it’s what we’ll all be talking about Wednesday. Supposedly.

It may be the 1,000,784,248th reason, but it may still be one of the best reasons.

The idea that the FBI was trying to protect Clinton to hurt Trump is friggin nuts