I am predicting, as someone who thinks he’s a draft-dodging, money-laundering con-man, that tomorrows SotU is going to go great for him. He knows expectations are so low, it’s like during the campaign when he would give a non-insane speech read off a teleprompter and people would treat it as the most presidential

Yes, they will build a new business facility somewhere, the idea is to get them to build it in your city.

I can still hear his voice saying that.

He also said that he was going to release his tax returns, once, a long time ago. I’ll believe he’s going under oath before Mueller when I see the videotape of him doing it.

“You win the internet” is such a cliché, but I don’t know how else to say it.

I did not see any mention in that article of ‘agricultural trenches’. “Plowshare” has nothing to do with actual plows, it’s a play on the biblical phrase, “swords into plowshares”, meaning they wanted to turn this weapon of war to peaceful uses.

The only snowflakes I have ever met have all been Trump supporters, and boy do they cry like babies.

Nazis are my one exception to that rule.

Trying to think how long it would take me to go 100 miles. Probably about 14 days.

Mueller’s letting people plea down so he can get them to wear a wire, all he had to do was send someone in with a tape recorder.

On the one hand, I am reminded of other tell-all books about say the Obamas and the Clintons that were bat-shit crazy, and the Right was all too eager to believe that Hillary would actually be decorating the White House xmas tree with dildos when she wasn’t having screaming meltdowns.

It’s well-produced, well-acted, and well-performed. It’s fairly stupid but if you can turn off your mind and roll with it it wasn’t a bad way to spend the time. It could have been much more, but it’s by-the-numbers, just professionally done by the numbers.

I have about a thousand random strangers on my commercial Snapchat account. Every day or so I go through all their stories, just to see who my customers are and what kind of lives they lead. A lot of them, and I mean a lot of them, post pics of their steering wheel and dash while they’re driving. Like 10 videos in a

I am in the adult industry, my videos constantly get ripped off on PornHub. PornHub must die.

They replaced Megan Fox with Mark Walberg, name recognition wise.

If they had replaced his voice with another celebrity of equal name recognition, then yes. If they replaced him with a no-name but equally talented voice actor, yes it probably would have made less money. Name recognition matters, marketing wise (although I would argue it makes for a worse movie).

Probably way more interesting and readable than whatever Mr. Segal wrote. 10/10 would def keep reading.

This to me sounds like a great time to buy bitcoin. It momentarily flashed up when a bunch of people jumped on the bandwagon, and now it’s back down to where it was. I hope it drops even more! Then I can pick some up for a reasonable price and sit on it for awhile.

Been thinking about this all day. There were big problems and lots of choices I disagreed with. But the movie made me feel. When Han Solo got stabbed with a lightsaber I felt nothing. FA was a beautiful mirage of a Star Wars movie, perfectly beautiful on the outside, but relatively empty on the inside. This one had

On behalf of White Folks, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I know Doug Jones did almost nothing to actually earn your vote, this is probably mostly “Fuck that creepy old racist child molester”, but you came through in the clutch for the greater good. Now, I know we don’t really deserve this either, but coming