It’s all he knows.

That’s golden <wink>

The idea that it was going to take 500 years to get to this state makes it one of the most optimistic movies of all f**king time.

I don’t think he even realizes that he confirmed that Russia hacked the DNC, as a fact. They’re just words to him, and he’s playing to his supporters. But it’s a new game and he’s still playing by the old rules.

Because Trump and his supporters are all fools? That was my opinion, too.

I abandoned Late Nite a long time ago, but if this is how Seth Meyer’s is going to conduct himself for the next 4 years (assuming it lasts that long), I’m going to start tuning in.

My roommate got that for his 486 when it came out, there were so many CDs to install! But I remember being so impressed with MH doing the voice work, for all the reasons you said.

The irony is, according to Edwards, in the original script everyone lived, because they assumed that Disney wouldn’t let them do anything different. It was actually Disney that came back and said, “You know all these people have to die, right?”

This is Foxtrot Alpha, a military related blog. Stuff it up your ass.

No seriously, the kid has to sleep sometime. Guns would be an option. Carbon monoxide is odorless, I note. The kid may be omnipotent but he would not be nearly as clever as me.

We are down the rabbit hole

This is awesome. just the other day in one of his Victory Rallies he said that DTS was silly and outdated, that he’d been roped into using it and didn’t like it any more. Now Newt has to walk it back and put his nuts on the line like this, only to have Donald walk it back in a few days and leave Newt high and dry.

I feel like you just saved me a couple hours and a few more dollars, and for that I am grateful.

Can we get Tilda Swanson and Haley Atwell working together please? I mean, they’re both Marvel and Tilda is playing the ancient one so it would just only take a little bit of shenanigans to make it work. Agent Carter has every reason in the world to end up in Tibet in the 50s.

I was sad that he wasn’t at his best but to be able to throw that well at all with a pinkie like that...mad respect.

Thank you for this. It’s like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound but I’ll take what I can get right now.

Agreed, I know a few words but I was not actually familiar with that vocabulary word. However, I was able to figure it out as soon as I saw it. Because I’m not an idiot.

Part of wishes he had run, part of me is glad he didn’t because I wouldn’t wish that on him. Fly Joe, be free!

My cock just blew off, turned into a penis drill missle and burrowed itself deeply into my brain, killing me, by Chuck Tingle

I’m not sure I would have been able to resist, either.