Truly, I look up on that plane, with the gold-plated belt buckles and I think, “This is the man who’s finally going to take on the elites. This man understands us, the common man.”

The B-21 Obliterator

HOW DID I MISS THIS?! I even, unlike most Americans, got out into the towns and got to interact with actual locals in a non-military capacity (i.e. I drank beer with them and ate pizza). We even went to a local house, because one of our interpreters had family in the area. They gave us a kind of raspberry brandy that

Milka, oh god Milka. On various deployments back in the day I would often pass through Germany. The first thing I would always do upon landing is find and purchase a Milka bar. And then I would take little tiny pieces, and just hold them in my mouth and savor them. My happiest day in Bosnia was discovering that they

You’re amazing, your wife is amazing, and I love knowing that there’s people like you in the world. Congratulations on a job very well done and thanks for sharing your incredible story!

Stop making it sound so good, I don’t have the money!

And me. Although I will add that when it happens, I’ll probably be inside and miss the whole thing, just like this time.

I went to Mizzou back in the early 90s and I literally cannot imagine a swastika made of feces in a residence hall. If shit (sorry, pun not intended) has got to that level something is very, very wrong.

I have no love for Hillary Clinton. But...even I have to admit that my opinion of her went up after that hearing.

I love the space shuttle and it’s neat as hell but you’re right. Gotta call a spade a spade. Emotional love for a neat spacecraft != best program for the $. The fact that the last test of the Orion got a [potentially crewed] craft further into space than we’ve been since the Apollo era is all you need to know.

I am not here to argue any point, and I said you are free to disagree. My only point is that we have the same goal, just different methods. You think our methods don’t work and yours do, and we think your methods don’t work and ours do. A mix of both is probably the reality.

RE: Freedom Freaks

That was an awesome story and it brought a wee tear to my eye

That was amazing. I don’t know if it was good or not but it was amazing, and I am going to show it to everyone, even if they look at me funny for it.

Hopefully the symptoms are at least fairly dissimilar to ‘extremely hung-over’ or I won’t be able to tell the difference.

Great article, Foxtrot Alpha brings it again.

Well, what else would a shark be doing?

There have been so many rumors over the years, that I won’t really believe it I til I actually see it. And of course there’s always the possibility of a future inspirational film about a bunch of old-dog A-10 pilots getting their birds from the boneyard and saving America’s bacon in WWIII. Assuming there’s any

Very true, and in fact it was not until their cities were about to fall that they really got going. Also, they were able to do this thanks to the incredible manufacturing capacity of the US and the lend/lease program. They may have the materiel and the personnel, but I’m not sure I believe they have the money or deep

And not one word in the debate about veteran’s suicides, of which there are something like 22 a day now. This is our greatest post-war crisis, and all their concern about the military didn’t bring them to say one word about it.