The first two have a lot of extra unnecessary stuff padded in, the third one is practically made up out of whole cloth, without the benefit of Tolkien's ability to craft story and characters. The characters are there just to be there, and the endless fights without consequences are like really well rendered but not

I was impressed as hell, actually. If I tried to write an article on my phone it would come out reading like a Mad Lib.

It drives me nuts because I have a friend who is convinced she's big because she's worthless because she can't lose pounds like the people on this show, so she gives up. She does fine, with a perfectly acceptable and healthy rate of weight loss that her doctor would be happy about, but she compares herself to the show

Your screen name is incredibly offensive, tasteless and rude, I love it.

It's entirely possible that all those simmering tensions would just continue to simmer longer until they boiled over into something much worse. Or, maybe not worse, but the same amount of shitiness just spread out over a much longer time. Without WWI the Romanovs might not have fallen, the Hapsburgs might still be

A far as going back and stopping something bad, I think one of the major lynchpins of the 20th century was the assassination of archduke Ferdinand. Aside from starting WWI which was bad enough on its own, the resulting Treaty of Versailles led almost directly to WWII, and the Sykes-Picot agreement we are still

Any idea why it's black like that? Is it supposed to be, or does that just come from sitting there for years and never being used? Bug or feature?

I just have to wonder what the price on the transcendent discman goes up to January 1st. $501? $550 (making the jump alone greater than the value of several discmans, and probably about 50x their cost), or $600 just to emphasize how utterly batshit crazy they are that they can post make believe prices.

Oh wow I did too, and would not have ever realized it except for your comment

I love the idea that death in film is traumatic to children, when 100 years ago they would have seen 10X as much death in their own personal lives. Seeing cartoon lions die is one thing, seeing all your relatives and neighbors die of influenza or the Black Death is another.

I want to see this movie so bad now.

That was really really, shareable well-put. And depressing as hell.

I maintain that he would have made a decent bank manager in a medium-sized rural Texas community. It wouldn't have been the most successful branch, but I bet the employees and regular customers would have thought he was an alright guy. He'd probably sponsor a little league team and buy them pizza even when they lost.

I'm so conflicted. Yay that progress is being made, because any way you look at it, this is progress. But yeah, now Condi's telling him about the life of blacks in America? It's a shame that any old rich white guy doesn't get it, but this particular old rich white guy was in a position where that information seriously

I hate the idea of ever hoping that someone gets raped in prison, but I hope this guy gets raped in prison. It's cool if he's unconscious for it.

Point: looks like a hipster

I served in Bosnia after the fall, when our militaries were juuuuust starting to work together. I remember a photo in the base newspaper showing American and Russian combat troops checking out each other's weapons, and thinking that was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen.

I hope you order plenty of the Gratuity :)

So he was over again last night, and this floored even me: He's removed all fluoride intake (bottled water, non-flouride toothpaste) because the gummint puts fluoride in to suppress our psychic abilities. Since he's cut the poison out, when he plays his Android games he can almost always guess the next card that comes

Oh god, me too. One has kids and u was like, if you really believe they're about to cull the population shouldn't you be trying to flee?