I'm pretty sure if a white American child were laying on a concrete floor soaking in its own piss and feces, you'd see a picture of that.

I have a feeling this is one you could get a lot of use out of

I can't explain any of this anymore. I also can't explain why it matters whether he tried to grab the cop's gun or not, Brown had his hands up, no one disputes this, so it is incontrovertibly a homicide and the cop should be in jail. I can't explain why the cops look like they should be patrolling the streets of…

I hope she makes a mint licensing this to Facebook and disqus

I have sat on Quetzalcoatl and talked to the mountain, and it was glorious. But it's not for everyone.

Krokodil is a helluva drug

Surprising, maybe, if it were any of my business what two consenting adults were doing.

Seriously, I was never in band, but if I was, this would be the band I would want to be in. Also I'm gay, I would either claim the mushroom stamp trick as my own or get to be best friends with that guy.

There are so many unfortunate stories that have the sentence "but you have to remember, they are wild animals, after all"

Well according to your article, I think maybe you can. If you can just get the time off every year to go live with them in the mountains of Austria.

you're a terrible person, and I love you

+1 for the top photo

One has to wonder what the translator is actually saying. I can't help thinking that's why the one guy "thinks it's f**king funny".

This has about as much effect on "Amazon's Plans for Drone Delivery" as an anti-leprechaun clause would have on Lucky Charms.

The older you get, the more this example resonates.

Heard it on a TV show the other day actually, bugged the hell out of me. I was picturing a hill with crosses on it bursting through the door.

And that is the very first animated comment GIF I have ever saved for future use

That's fat now??!! She's gorgeous, and she looks amazing in that dress. Also, the preceding sentence was not outrage, just bafflement—because I can't for the life of me figure out why that was even a topic of the reviews.

Holy cow, I had a buddy couch surfing recently and he asked to borrow my car* to go to the Jack-In-The-Box, and an hour later I started to get pretty worried that my vehicle was being photographed at some crack house by the FBI, so hearing about this really gives me the jeebies.

I can, but now my brain is shriveled up in a corner, crying.