Obligatory joke about stuffing homework in her g-string

I don't know who she is, but her heartbreaking protest that she just feels no racism in her heart and just cannot be bothered to hate anyone makes me love her so much.

Man, I love you. I posted as big thing on my FB about that today, because I read about them trying to abandon the A-10, and I think that's just an awful idea. And you're right, this is why.


I would make it my mission to f*ck every single guy on that team. "Hey, we can't be around the women, you should all come to my house, I've got beer" :)

It does go through the target, broadside, but even then the hole is small and I think you'd have a pretty decent shot at surviving it assuming you could get to a doctor

Suddenly remembering how much I like graham crackers

All glory to the hypno GIF

Come on folks it's a joke gift, like bullshit repellent, or Dammitol. Not real. Like, very obviously not real.

Why do you think they placed the ad?

Easy—it's the best yearbook photo ever.

Now I am going to hear it like that every time

Seriously, I may actually watch them this time, just to see what happens.

Seriously, I may actually watch them this time, just to see what happens.

As a buddy of mine loved to say, "I ain't racist, I hate everybody."

People that say that southerners can't drive in a little snow, forget that northern cities have fleets of salt trucks that are often arable to lay down a base before the snow even starts.

People that say that southerners can't drive in a little snow, forget that northern cities have fleets of salt trucks that are often arable to lay down a base before the snow even starts.

People that say that southerners can't drive in a little snow, forget that northern cities have fleets of salt trucks that are often arable to lay down a base before the snow even starts.

Catch up to a Cassowary and make fun of its feathers, its effectively the same thing. I'll wait.

It would be cool if the pills made a Bling! Bling! sound when you took them.